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No. 8: Violence in the Workplace
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President's Directive No. 8

University Policy Regarding Violence in the Workplace

Related Document: Implementing Directive No. 8

I. Directive

A. To achieve its Mission and Goals, California State University, Fullerton is committed to providing its faculty, staff, administrators, students and visitors an accessible, attractive and safe campus in which to learn, study and work.

B. Acts of violence and threats of violence severely impact the well-being of members of the university community and the open dialogue and free exchange of ideas intrinsic to higher education. Therefore, the university will not tolerate acts or threats of violence against members of this community or retaliation against an individual reporting a threat or act of violence.

II. Authority

Cal/OSHA Guidelines for Workplace Scrutiny; California Code of Regulations, Title 8, Section 3203.

III. Scope

This Directive applies all university programs and activities wherever they occur, whether on or off-campus. University auxiliary and affiliate organizations are responsible for applying similar practices to their respective programs and activities.

IV. Definitions

A. Campus. Any area or environment where university programs or activities occur.

B. Violence. Any physical assault, threatening behavior or verbal abuse. For example, beatings, stabbings, shootings, sexual or physical assaults, rapes, and psychological traumas such as threats, stalking, obscene phone calls, repetitive unwanted communications or intimidation.

V. Implementation

A. Any threat or act of violence, or threat or act of retaliation, witnessed or experienced by a member of the campus community should be promptly reported to University Police. Those reporting a threat or act of violence may use a Campus Behavior Concern Report, which is available from the University Police, Environmental Health & Instructional Safety or on the web at:

B. Incidents of campus violence will be reported annually in the university’s Annual Security Report, which may be found at

C. The university recognizes the need for an effective and comprehensive program to attempt to prevent and respond to campus violence (“Program”). The university will annually review, revise, and distribute the Program as necessary to comply with this Directive. A copy of the Program is attached.

VI. Accountability

A. The Vice President for Administration

The Vice President for Administration is responsible for overall coordination of this Directive.

B. Associate Vice President for Administration and the Chief of Police

The Associate Vice President for Administration and the Chief of Police share responsibility for overseeing the development and dissemination of educational materials concerning this Directive, including prevention, resolving confrontations and response protocols, to faculty, staff and administrators. Other responsibilities include coordinating the Threat Assessment Team and overseeing the development of the Program.

C. Threat Assessment Team

Appointed by the Vice President for Administration, the Threat Assessment Team's primary responsibility is to address and respond to situations involving threats or acts of violence. The President, the Vice President for Administration, the Associate Vice President for Administration or the Chief of Police may convene the TAT. Its membership will be based on situational need and be drawn from administrators charged with specific functions related to campus safety, as well as representatives of key campus constituencies.

D. Faculty, Staff and Administrators

Faculty, administrators and staff are individually responsible for using safe practices; following all university directives, policies and procedures concerning campus safety; and assisting in maintaining a safe and secure environment. Substantiated threats or acts of violence and/or retaliation by individual faculty, staff and administrators may result in disciplinary action taken pursuant to the applicable collective bargaining agreement or, for non-represented employees, applicable administrative policies or procedures.

Contact the Associate Vice President for Administration or the Chief of University Police with questions concerning this Directive and the Program.

Reviewed and approved by President Milton A. Gordon on September 17, 2004.

Related Document: Implementing Directive No. 8

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