California State University, Fullerton

PDF Help Page

The 2011-2013 Catalog uses the Adobe destination tags feature which links you to a specific paragraph in a PDF.

These browsers should work when opening the PDF files:

. Chrome (27 or greater)
. Mozilla Firefox (21 or greater)
. Internet Explorer (9 or greater)
. Safari (5.17 or greater)

Possible Issues and Resolutions:

Issue # 1.

You open a PDF file in Chrome and it does not jump to a destination (link) in the PDF file.

Resolution # 1.

Chrome's built in PDF viewer does not yet support a lot of features. To disable the built in viewer and go back to using Adobe Reader, go to about:plugins and disable Chrome PDF Viewer and enable the Adobe Reader.

Issue # 2.

Firefox has problems displaying a PDF file.

Resolution # 2.

Firefox 19 has introduced its own PDF viewer. Switch to the 'Adobe Acrobat (in Firefox)' plugin you've used before to view PDFs. To do this, go to Firefox options then click on applications. Scroll down to Content Type 'Portable Document Format (PDF)' and select 'Adobe Acrobat (in Firefox)'.