University Policy Statements


Index of University policy statements

Administrative and Support Procedures - UPS 100.000 through 108.000
Faculty Personnel Procedures - UPS 210.000 through 293.000
Student Related Policies - UPS 300.000 through 370.200
Curriculum - UPS 400.010 through 450.501
Library - UPS 500.150 through 508.000
Research - UPS 610.000 through 630.000

Most Requested UPS Documents 

UPS# Document Title Effective Date

100.000PDF File Opens in new window

Academic Senate Constitution 12-2-2021

100.001PDF File Opens in new window

Academic Senate Bylaws  3-23-2023

210.000PDF File Opens in new window

Tenure and Promotion Personnel Procedures  5-8-2023

210.002PDF File Opens in new window

Tenure and Promotion Personnel Standards 3-22-2023


Administrative and Support Procedures

 UPS# Document Title Effective Date

100.000PDF File Opens in new window

Academic Senate Constitution 12-2-2021

100.001PDF File Opens in new window

Academic Senate Bylaws 3-23-2023

100.002PDF File Opens in new window

Title and Form of Address 2-23-2012


Associated Students Inc. Board of Directors University Policy Statement 



100.004PDF File Opens in new window

Student Participation in Department Decision Making 3-26-2018


Patent Policy, CSUF



100.006PDF File Opens in new window

A Commitment to Community at CSUF


100.007PDF File Opens in new window

Diversity, Inclusion, Equity, and Social Justice at CSUF


100.010PDF File Opens in new window

Faculty Handbook 6-23-2017
Reviewed: 3-9-2019

100.015PDF File Opens in new window

Review and Revision of University Policy Statements 10-5-2020

100.201PDF File Opens in new window

Planning and Budgeting Process 4-13-2023

100.250PDF File Opens in new window

Definition of an Academic Unit 2-14-2019

100.300PDF File Opens in new window

Policy and Procedures for Naming of Facilities, Properties, Colleges, Schools and Academic Entities 6-17-2008

100.600PDF File Opens in new window

Establishment of University Departments 5-12-2017

100.601PDF File Opens in new window

Name Changes of Academic Units and Academic Programs 5-12-2017

100.605PDF File Opens in new window

Policy on Administrative Restructuring of Academic Programs 3-23-2015

100.610PDF File Opens in new window

Program Discontinuance and Program Suspension 7-2-2018

100.620PDF File Opens in new window

Review of Administrative Units 2-1-1982

100.700PDF File Opens in new window

Formation and Review of Campus Centers and Institutes 2-26-2024

100.900PDF File Opens in new window

Procedures for Establishing Schools at California State University, Fullerton 6-23-2015

102.001PDF File Opens in new window

The Faculty Development Center 6-14-2019

103.004PDF File Opens in new window

Computing Resources Use Policy 10-22-2010

103.005PDF File Opens in new window

World Wide Web Policy 6-23-2015

105.000PDF File Opens in new window

Consortia, Concords & Multi-Campus Programs 4-10-2017

106.000PDF File Opens in new window

Campus Selection Committee for Conferring the Honorary Degree 6-3-2021

106.100PDF File Opens in new window

The President's Medallion 5-16-2018

108.000PDF File Opens in new window

Visiting Scholars and Other Formal Delegations of Visitors: Procedures and Expectations 8-16-2013


Faculty Personnel Procedures

 UPS# Document Title Effective Date

210.000PDF File Opens in new window

Tenure and Promotion Personnel Procedures 5-8-2023

210.001PDF File Opens in new window

Recruitment and Appointment of Tenure-Track Faculty 7-17-2023

210.002PDF File Opens in new window

Tenure and Promotion Personnel Standards 3-22-2023

210.007PDF File Opens in new window

Appointment of Administrative Personnel 11-21-2022

210.020PDF File Opens in new window

Periodic Evaluation of Tenured Faculty 1-25-2023

210.050PDF File Opens in new window

Recruitment and Appointment of Temporary Faculty 5-14-2024 

210.055PDF File Opens in new window

Visiting Faculty Appointments 1-15-2016

210.060PDF File Opens in new window

Nepotism and Conflict of Interest in Employment 11-20-2019

210.070PDF File Opens in new window

Evaluation of Lecturers 6-3-2021

210.080PDF File Opens in new window

Classroom Observations 7-1-2019


Affirmative Action Policy (Superseded by Executive Order 1088)




Performance Review of Administrative Personnel



210.300PDF File Opens in new window

Joint Appointments for Tenure-Track and Tenured Faculty 7-17-2023

210.500PDF File Opens in new window

Procedures: Search Committees for Administrative Personnel 1-30-2013 

211.000PDF File Opens in new window

Responsibilities of Departments and Department Chairs 5-16-2023

211.100PDF File Opens in new window

Appointment of Department Chairs and Vice-Chairs 2-28-2023

220.000PDF File Opens in new window

Policies, procedures, and guidelines for the Administration of Student Opinion Questionnaire (SOQ) Forms 10-23-2023

230.000PDF File Opens in new window

Reaffirmation of Statement of Professional Responsibility 5-3-2011

230.010PDF File Opens in new window

Faculty Obligation to Meet Classes 5-8-2019

230.020PDF File Opens in new window

Policy on Office Hours 2-9-2023

230.100PDF File Opens in new window

University Employees and Student Elections 11-9-2021


Rules for Acquisition of Archaeological, Ethnological, and Art Objects

Renumbered 640.000


Nondiscrimination Policy (Superseded by Executive Order 1096 + Executive Order 1097, also see Executive Order 1095  - Implementation of Title IX, VAWA/Campus SaVE Act, and Related Sex Discrimination, Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence Legislation)




Sexual Harassment Policy (Superseded by Executive Order 1096 + Executive Order 1097, also see Executive Order 1095 - Implementation of Title IX, VAWA/Campus SaVE Act, and Related Sex Discrimination, Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence Legislation)




Policy on Amorous or Sexual Relationships between Faculty, Staff and Students  (Superseded by Executive Order 1096 + Executive Order 1097, also see Executive Order 1095  - Implementation of Title IX, VAWA/Campus SaVE Act, and Related Sex Discrimination, Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence Legislation)



260.100PDF File Opens in new window

Assigned Time for Exceptional Levels of Service to Students 4-4-2022

260.102PDF File Opens in new window

Sabbatical Leaves 7-10-2024

260.104PDF File Opens in new window

Difference In Pay Leaves 4-22-2022

261.000PDF File Opens in new window

Faculty Emeriti Status 9-20-2021

265.000PDF File Opens in new window

Grant Related Specially-Funded Instructional Faculty Appointment 5-24-2021


Teaching by Academic Administrators


270.102PDF File Opens in new window

Graduate Committees and Advisers 5-12-2017

270.103PDF File Opens in new window

Staffing of Graduate Courses 5-9-2022


Intramural Research Grants

Renumbered 650.000

290.000PDF File Opens in new window

Outstanding Professor Award 2-9-2023

291.000PDF File Opens in new window

Distinguished Faculty Member Guidelines 5-7-2014

292.000PDF File Opens in new window

John W. "Jack" Bedell Faculty Leadership in Collegial Governance Award 5-10-2021

293.000PDF File Opens in new window

Carol Barnes Excellence in Teaching Award 2-9-2023

294.000PDF File Opens in new window

L. Donald Shields Excellence in Scholarship and Creativity Award 2-14-2019

295.000PDF File Opens in new window

Outstanding Lecturer Award 2-9-2023


Student Related Policy

UPS# Document Title Effective Date

300.000PDF File Opens in new window

Student Rights and Responsibilities 6-3-2021

300.001PDF File Opens in new window

Supporting Students with Disabilities 6-23-2017

300.002PDF File Opens in new window

Academic Advising Policy 2-11-2022

300.003PDF File Opens in new window

Undergraduate Student Learning Goals 9-15-2017

300.004PDF File Opens in new window

Policy on Syllabi 2-9-2023

300.005PDF File Opens in new window

Final Examinations and Activities 7-17-2023


Credit By Examination (Challenge Exams) 



300.010PDF File Opens in new window

Policy on Final Grade Reporting  7-10-2024

300.011PDF File Opens in new window

Faculty Selection of Instructional Materials 7-6-2016

300.013PDF File Opens in new window

Late Add Policy 11-10-2016

300.015PDF File Opens in new window

Repetition of Courses 6-16-2015

300.016PDF File Opens in new window

Withdrawal Policy 6-8-2022

300.017PDF File Opens in new window

Incomplete Authorized (I) and Incomplete Charged (IC) 7-23-2013

300.018PDF File Opens in new window

Unauthorized Withdrawal - Issuance of WU Grade 5-11-2012

300.019PDF File Opens in new window

Academic Responsibility for Missed Instruction Due to University Sponsored Activity 6-14-2018

300.020PDF File Opens in new window

Grading Practices 8-10-2016

300.021PDF File Opens in new window

Academic Dishonesty 6-16-2015

300.022PDF File Opens in new window

Assessment of Student Learning Outcomes 7-1-2019

300.023PDF File Opens in new window

Grade Changes 12-23-2013

300.024PDF File Opens in new window

Majors and Minors: Declaration, Change, and Concurrent Degree Requirements 1-30-2024

300.030PDF File Opens in new window

Academic Appeals 5-28-2020

300.031PDF File Opens in new window

Academic Appeals Board 2-17-2020

300.035PDF File Opens in new window

Recommendation of Degree Candidates by Faculty 6-23-2017

300.040PDF File Opens in new window

Academic Standards for Postbaccalaureate Students 3-3-2020

300.041PDF File Opens in new window

Graduate Student Learning Goals 5-9-2023

300.050PDF File Opens in new window

Recognition of Superior Student Performance 7-1-2019

320.005PDF File Opens in new window

Retention of Student Work 8-16-2013

320.020PDF File Opens in new window

University Writing Requirements 5-24-2021

320.102PDF File Opens in new window

International Education Policy 5-9-2014

330.124PDF File Opens in new window

Leaves of Absence for Graduate and Credential Students 7-1-2019

330.163PDF File Opens in new window

Culminating Experience Guidelines for Master’s Programs of Master’s Level Degrees 10-23-2023

330.164PDF File Opens in new window

Posthumous Degree and Recognition 5-24-2021

330.230PDF File Opens in new window

Recording and Transcription of Class Content By Students 7-17-2023

330.231PDF File Opens in new window

Policy Regarding the Use of Drugs by Students* 6-16-2015

330.232PDF File Opens in new window

Policy on the Use of Alcoholic Beverages by Students and by Student Organizations 4-18-2018

330.233PDF File Opens in new window

Sale of Academic Presentation Materials for Commercial Gain 7-6-2016

370.200PDF File Opens in new window

Exclusion of Person(s) from Campus Meetings 8-2-2017



UPS# Document Title Effective Date

400.010PDF File Opens in new window

Independent Study 5-28-2020

400.020PDF File Opens in new window

Undergraduate Project and Thesis 3-23-2015

410.100PDF File Opens in new window

Student-to-Student Tutorials 1-29-2015

410.103PDF File Opens in new window

Curriculum Guidelines and Procedures: Academic Programs 5-9-2023

410.104PDF File Opens in new window

Undergraduate Subprograms: Concentrations 7-1-2019

410.105PDF File Opens in new window

Policy for Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Science Differentiation


Reviewed: 9-13-2019

410.106PDF File Opens in new window

Academic Standards for Graduate Degree Students 5-9-2022

410.113PDF File Opens in new window

Guidelines for the Structure and Administration of Cross-Disciplinary Degree Programs 3-2-2020

410.115PDF File Opens in new window

Academic Credit Certificate Programs 4-12-2019

410.170PDF File Opens in new window

Doctoral Programs 3-23-2017

410.200PDF File Opens in new window

Program Performance Review Policy 4-6-2021

411.100PDF File Opens in new window

Curriculum Guidelines and Procedures: Courses 5-8-2023

411.101PDF File Opens in new window

Policy on Courses: Numbering, Standard Codes, and Controlled Entry 4-6-2021

411.102PDF File Opens in new window

Curriculum Guidelines and Procedures: Academic Jurisdiction 6-8-2022


Policy on Interactive Televised Courses Guidelines and Procedures Rescinded

411.104PDF File Opens in new window

Policy on Online Instruction 6-8-2022

411.105PDF File Opens in new window

Support Courses 1-29-2015

411.200PDF File Opens in new window

General Education Guidelines and Procedures: New and Existing Courses 2-11-2021

411.201PDF File Opens in new window

General Education: Breadth Objectives and Course Development 12-14-2021

411.202PDF File Opens in new window

General Education Program: Unit Requirements, Academic Standards, and Exceptions 2-18-2021

411.203PDF File Opens in new window

General Education: Programmatic Student Learning Goals and Learning Outcomes 7-27-2023

411.210PDF File Opens in new window

Policy on the American Government Graduation Requirement 6-14-2022

411.400PDF File Opens in new window

Teacher Preparation 6-16-2015

411.600PDF File Opens in new window

Policy on Service Learning 4-4-2022

411.601PDF File Opens in new window

Policy on Academic Internships 3-23-2015

412.010PDF File Opens in new window

Honors Programs 12-8-2023


Protection of Human Participants [Revised to UPS 620.000 effective 4-26-13]  

420.105PDF File Opens in new window

Right of Non-Compliance, Risk Activities 4-14-2014

430.000PDF File Opens in new window

Guidelines for the Submission of Proposals for the Addition of New Degree Programs to the University's Master Plan 3-15-2021

450.000PDF File Opens in new window

Goals, Scope, and Policy Regulation for Extended Education 4-8-2015

450.100PDF File Opens in new window

Policy on Extension Program 4-8-2015

450.200PDF File Opens in new window

Policy on Special Sessions 4-8-2015

450.400PDF File Opens in new window

Open University Enrollment Policy 4-8-2015

450.500PDF File Opens in new window

Policy for Implementation and Awarding of the Continuing Education Unit 4-8-2015


Non-Academic Credit/CEU Certificate Programs [Incorporated into UPS 450.500] Rescinded             6-16-2015



UPS# Document Title Effective Date

500.150PDF File Opens in new window

Library Circulation Policies 4-19-2024

508.000PDF File Opens in new window

Policy on Return or Replacement of Library Materials  4-19-2024



 UPS# Document Title  Effective Date

610.000PDF File Opens in new window

Conflict of Interest Policy for Externally Funded Proposals 11-20-2019

620.000PDF File Opens in new window

Protection of Human Participants [formerly UPS 420.103] 4-26-2013

630.000PDF File Opens in new window

Policy to Investigate Instances of Possible Research Misconduct 7-17-2023

640.000PDF File Opens in new window

Rules for Acquisition of Archaeological, Ethnological, and Art Objects 10-12-2018

650.000PDF File Opens in new window

Intramural Research Grants 10-12-2018