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Frequently Asked Questions and Answers for Faculty Evaluations

Will FAR upload my SOQ data and grade distribution data to my portfolio?

IT partners with FAR to provide an automatic import of all relevant SOQs and Grade Distributions into all cases for evaluation. As a result of this partnership, FAR will be sending batches of cases to IT for Interfolio creation on the 5th of each month from July through September.

Cases will be opened for all candidates who submit before the 5th of each month, no later than two weeks after they are sent to IT. Those who submit on or after the 5th of each month will be included in the next batch to go to IT. For example, if someone submits a declaration form on July 5th, their case will be sent to IT for creation on August 5th.

You can choose to receive your Interfolio case now without the import. Let us know.

Can I rename and/or reorganize the automatically uploaded SOQ/grades data?

Faculty members are not required to use the files that were automatically uploaded. We get these uploaded as a convenience to faculty. So, faculty members are ok to reorder them, modify the titles, or even replace them. They should do what they think is best for their case.

How do I find SOQ data on my own?

You can access these data on your own using the Faculty Student Success Dashboard. Read the step-by-step instructions.

How do I find grade distribution data on my own?

You can access these data on your own using the Faculty Student Success Dashboard. Read the step-by-step instructions.

Using/Interpreting Departmental Personnel Standards (DPS)

Which DPS applies to me?

Each department has one approved and active DPS. The current set of approved DPS is located on the DPS web page. Use the dropdown menu to find your collegge and click on your department.

If there are multiple version of a DPS, which one do I use?

The DPS posted on the DPS web page are the most recently approved ones. You might be aware of newer revisions in your department, but they haven't gone all the way through the approval process yet. (The approval process culminates with the Provost's approval.)

Which takes precedence? My DPS or UPS 210.002? 

“Approved Departmental Personnel Standards are controlling documents in all personnel decisions” (UPS 210.002, III.A.2). The review commitees and other reviewers will use the DPS as a guide to evaluate your file. The one DPS applies to all the tenure-track and tenured faculty members in the department, irrespective of rank or year of hire at CSUF.

If a case reaches the Faculty Personnel Commitee (FPC), then the situation is different. Although the FPC is responsible for evaluating a case in accordance with the DPS (UPS 210.002, III.G.1), they also are authorized to interpret both the UPS and the DPS in cases of dispute (UPS 210.002, III.A.4).

What if my department does not have a DPS? 

In the absence of a DPS, all levels of review will evaluate faculty and recommend actions with “clear and specific reference” to UPS 210.002 (Tenure and Promotion Personnel Standards). The same holds for the final decision made by the President (or designee) (UPS 210.000, III.A.1). Specifically, personnel decisions will be controlled by the standards in Section II of UPS 210.002 (UPS 210.002, III.A.2).

Components of the Working Personnel Action File (WPAF)

What are the sections to use in my WPAF?

See sections II.B.4 and II.C in UPS 210.000.


With the revised UPS 210.000, WPAF labels and names and some sections have changed. Interfolio cases use the new section organization, including leters (instead of numbers) and section labels. Also, there is an increase in the allowed words for the narratives. The old version of the policy allowed for only 1000 words per narrative; the new version allows for up to 1500 words per narrative. In addition, the appendices have been eliminated with the newly reorganized WPAF. Documents that would have gone into appendices now have their own sections in the WPAF. See the list starts on page 10 of the new version of the policy.


The required components of the abbreviated review portfolio are:

  1. SOQ data, if courses were taught during the review period (CBA Article 15.33). Note that grade distributions are not required.
  2. All previous cycle evaluations/recommendations (provided by FAR; UPS 210.000 section II.C)
  3. An updated CV (UPS 210.000, section II.C) For library faculty, an additional document is required:
  4. The AOR (per the Library DPS) [The Annual Goals Statement(s) for Performance as a Librarian is optional (per the DPS).]

All faculty up for abbreviated review have the option to submit a summary of significant achievements and future goals. This document can be a maximum of two pages and include content that covers “the most significant achievements during the period of review and future goals for teaching, scholarly/creative activities, and service to meet tenure requirements” (UPS 210.000, II.C).

Can I move or relabel the WPAF categories?

No. Everyone will need to use the section organizations as descriped in campus policies.

What if my DPS/DSLF categories do not match the Interfolio case categories?

In Interfolio, the cases will be set up according to the organizational structures prescribed in campus policies. When building your portfolio, move your documents and evidence into the categories that help you make your best case for retention, promotion, etc. Consult with your department if you have questions about how to achieve this.

Have there been recent changes to the organization of the WPAF?

Yes, for RTP cases. FAR maintains a list of recent changes on or website.