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Approved Departmental Personnel Standards

Please contact Mark Carrier if your department is revising its DPS document. Mark provides feedback on revisions before they go through the approval process. Overview of UPS 210.002 Requirements and DPS Self-Audit (links below) may be useful. For information and suggestions on adding wording related to community-engaged teaching, research/creative, and service activities, the Center for Internships and Community Engagement hosts an extremely valuable guide. Please see UPS 210.002 for requirements and details on the process of revising DPS documents.

Copies of the most recently approved Departmental Personnel Standards are available below for download and reference. This document will also be the best resource for answering questions about what makes a good portfolio for your department.  

A copy of this document will need to be uploaded to section b. of every full-review RTP portfolio.  Note that some colleges  also  may have college personnel standards, e.g., the College of the Arts, and the College of Humanities and Social Sciences. Consult with the relevant Dean's office.

Download Instructions

Choose your college or area from the dropdown menu below to find the DPS documents related to your department.