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Website Ownership & Responsibilities

All campus websites must adhere to campus brand as set by Strategic Communications (and insert appropriate committee here), and be made accessible (per ADA Section 508).  We provide templates that meet campus brand and CSU accessibility standards.  If your program or department has or wants a website, there must be a site owner and an ATI lead designated for the site, as well as any content editors with permissions to edit the site.  All content added or uploaded to the website must be made accessible.  

What is a Website?

A website (sometimes referred to as a webpage) is a collection of folders and files that have a shared header and navigation structure.  A web page is a page that lives within a website.  A web homepage is the first page of a website that serves as the primary entry point.  

Website Roles

  • All websites must have an owner. Website ownership must be held by a manager, director, or administrator, even if that person is not a content editor.
  • All websites must have at least one ATI lead. An ATI lead is the person responsible for making sure a website is scanned for accessibility errors and corrected, even if that person is not a content editor. 
  • Content editors/contributors are responsible for making, adding, and editing website content and styles.

Required Training

All users who want access to create/edit a website must complete a training session on how to use the campus content management system and on accessibility. 

Training Information

*Self-paced learning modules are coming soon and will cover topics such as CMS how-tos and accessibility. These modules will not meet the training requirement for website access.

Access & Analytics

Once you have completed web CMS/accessibility training training, fill out the Website Access form to request access to a website.  This form can also be used to report a change in site ownership or to assign an ATI lead.

Google Analytics are available for your website.  This feature is built in to the templates, and will be active once you add an analytics code.  Contact the web team to request a code and access.