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Tutoring Center Agreement

1. The University Learning Center is available for tutoring on a walk-in basis as well as by appointment. Appointments will be given priority. Walk-in sessions will be held if tutors are available.

2. Tutoring sessions are scheduled for 1 hour, up to two times a week for all subjects for which you need assistance. 

3. The ULC appointment application uses “a count is a count” logic. That means any appointment made or canceled counts toward the above weekly allotment. The count starts over each week.

4. Should an appointment need to be canceled, you must notify the University Learning Center via telephone at least 4 hours before the appointment. The number is in your confirmation email, and there is 24-hour messaging. If you do not contact us an hour prior, the appointment will be marked as a “No Show."

5. You will also be marked as a no-show, and your appointment will be canceled if you are 10 minutes or more late to an appointment.

6. If you have a total of 3 no-shows, you will no longer be able to schedule appointments for the rest of the semester. You may still receive tutoring, but only on a walk-in basis.

Please Be Considerate of Your Fellow Students.