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Student Life & Leadership Handbook

The Office of Student Life and Leadership updates the information contained in this handbook as soon as possible. If you have any questions about any information, please contact the Office of Student Life and Leadership at 657-278-7622. 

To download the SLL Handbook click the link below

 SLL Handbook Document


General Student Organization Policies

CSU Executive Order 1068  (CSU Policy regarding Student Orgs)

University Hazing Policy

California State University, Fullerton expects that all students, registered student organizations, and affiliated groups will observe and fully comply with University Policy in accordance with Title 5 Education Code, Section 41301 (Standards for Student Conduct) and State of California Penal Code Section 245.6 (proscribes criminal and civil penalties for individuals who haze). The Office of Student Life & Leadership shall  ensure that all students, registered student organizations, and affiliated student groups are informed on an annual basis about education policies specific to hazing.

All registered student organizations affiliated with a national or local governing body must adhere to regulations set forth by their respective organizations concerning hazing. It is the responsibility of all students, registered student organizations, and affiliated student groups to be informed of all of the above mentioned regulations.

University policy with respect to hazing prohibits all students, registered student organizations, and affiliated student groups from engaging collectively or individually in any of the following practices as part of any program or general activity, regardless of the person’s willingness to participate. This list is intended to provide examples of hazing and should not be considered all inclusive.

  1. Any type of harm such as paddling, beating, striking, branding, tattooing, body piercing, placing of a harmful substance on the body, or similar activity;
  2. Any type of physical activity, such as deprivation of sleep (6 to 8 hours per day minimum), food, or maintaining hygiene; exposure to the elements; confinement in a small space; calisthenics; or other activity that subjects the student to a risk or harm or that adversely affects the mental or physical health or safety of the student;
  3. Such activities as new member scavenger hunts, new member ditches, kidnaps, and the like, as well as any activity that is mandatory for new members only, and is not educational in nature;
  4. Any activity involving consumption of a food, liquid, alcoholic beverage, liquor, drug, or other substance which subjects the student to an unreasonable risk or harm or which adversely affects the mental or physical health of the student;
  5. Nudity or forcing or allowing students to dress in any unusual or awkward fashion;
  6. Any activity that intimidates or threatens the student with ostracism, that subjects the student to unreasonable mental stress, shame, or humiliation, or that adversely affects the mental health or dignity of the student, or discourages the student from entering or remaining registered in an educational institution, or that may reasonably be expected to cause a student to leave the organization or the institution rather than submit to acts described in this section.

State of California Hazing Policy

Title 5. California Code of Regulations 41301 Standards for Student Conduct

“(8) Hazing, or conspiracy to haze. Hazing is defined as any method of initiation or pre- initiation into a student organization or student body, whether or not the organization or body is officially recognized by an educational institution, which is likely to cause serious bodily injury to any former, current, or prospective student of any school, community college, college, university, or other educational institution in this state (Penal Code 245.6), and in addition, any act likely to cause physical harm, personal degradation or disgrace resulting in physical or mental harm, to any former, current, or prospective student of any school, community college, college, university, or other educational  institution. The term “hazing” does not include customary athletic events or school sanctioned events. Neither the express or implied consent of a victim of hazing, nor the lack of active participation in a particular hazing incident is a defense. Apathy or acquiescence in the presence of hazing is not a neutral act, and is also a violation of this section.”

A group of students acting together may be considered a ‘student organization’ for purposes of this section whether or not they are officially recognized.

State of California Penal Code 245.6

It shall be unlawful to engage in hazing, as defined in this section.

  1. “Hazing” means any method of initiation or pre-initiation into a student organization or student body, whether or not the organization or body is officially recognized by an educational institution, which is likely to cause serious bodily injury to any former, current, or prospective student of any school, community college, college, university, or other educational institution in this state. The term “hazing” does not include customary athletic events or school-sanctioned events.
  2. A violation of this section that does not result in serious bodily injury is a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of not less than one hundred dollars ($100), nor more than five thousand dollars ($5,000), or imprisonment in the county jail for not more than one year, or both.
  3. Any person who personally engages in hazing that results in death or serious bodily injury as defined in paragraph (4) of subdivision (f) of Section 243 of the Penal Code, is guilty of either a misdemeanor or a felony, and shall be punished by imprisonment in county jail not exceeding one year, or by imprisonment in the state prison.
  4. The person against whom the hazing is directed may commerce a civil action for injury or damages. The action may be brought against any participants in the hazing, or any organization to which the student is seeking membership whose agents, directors, trustees, managers, or officers authorized, requested, commanded, participated in, or ratified the hazing.
  5. Prosecution under this section shall not prohibit prosecution under any other provision of the law.

Report Allegations of Hazing

Allegations of violation of state law or university policies regarding hazing are handled by the Office of Student Life & Leadership, Dean of Students Office, Office of Student Conduct or University Police for appropriate disciplinary and/or criminal investigation and action. As outlined in the Executive Order 1098, Student Conduct Procedures , and the Student Organization Judicial Procedures, due process will be followed including right of appeal. Nothing in this policy is intended to prevent or prohibit a victim of hazing from filing a complaint with the police in addition to reporting the event(s) to the Office of Student Life & Leadership or Dean of Students Office, as described above. In addition, official recognition of a student organization may be withdrawn for hazing or conspiracy to haze as defined in the California Code of Regulations, Title 5, Standards for Student Conduct , Section 41301(b)(8). Individual students may be disciplined for hazing under Section 41301(b)(8).

Time, Place, & Manner / Free Speech & Expression Event Policies

Administrative Guidelines Regarding Freedom of Expression and Expressive Conduct are outlined in Interim Systemwide Time, Place and Manner Policy issued pursuant to  Section II of the Standing Orders of the Board of Trustees of the California State University , as further delegated by the  Standing Delegations of Administrative Authority . The Campus president may delegate authority and responsibility described in this policy to other Campus officials pursuant to  Section VI of the Standing Orders of the Board of Trustees of the California State University

Cal. Education Code section 89031. 
CSU Standards for Student Conduct, 5 California Code of Regulations, sections 41301-41302. Use of CSU Buildings and Grounds, 5 California Code of Regulations, sections 42350-42356.

Please review Interim Systemwide Time, Place and Manner Policy for the full policy information. For Cal State Fullerton Campus Addendum see (Insert Link).


Event Polcies

I. Planning Overview

  1. The EAP must be completed and approved within the Titan Link prior to the event taking place and prior to advertising the event.
  2. All submissions are a request for space, not a confirmation.  Event Reservation Requests are not approved until you receive confirmation via TitanLink.  Additional confirmations may be required if the reservation request is for space within the Titan Student Union, Student Recreation Center, Housing & Residence Life.
  3. Event Reservation Requests for Student Life & Leadership must be submitted at least seven (7) business days in advance and a maximum of one (1) semester prior for outdoor venues. Classroom reservations are only accepted at the start of the semester and not extending past the end of that semester. 
  4. Events including but not limited to, cultural shows, festivals, fairs, those that require a food permit, class projects and the like, may require a Special Event Consultation with University staff. See Event Approval Process.
  5. All requests are subject to consideration of Systemwide Time, Place and Manner Policy and the Cal State Fullerton Addendum.
  6. A member of the organization must be present during the Event scheduled.
  7. Student organizations may be held accountable through campus conduct procedures for the actions of members or the actions of individuals at my event for any violations of the Student Code of Conduct.
  8. The Office of Student Life & Leadership along with any University Office acting as custodian of a space reserves the right to cancel or void any Event Reservation Request if it does not comply with university policies and/or the reservation details are not finalized. 
  9. It should be recognized that instructional programs have priority in scheduling University facilities. The University reserves the right to cancel this Event due to an unanticipated Campus academic need.
  10. Failure to comply with the provisions set forth in campus regulations and expectations outlined in this document may result in the suspension of campus privileges.

II. Venue Reservations

Student Clubs & Organizations can reserve space on campus for free or at a reduced cost depending on the facility and availability. 

At this time reservations for Classrooms, Outdoor spaces, Athletic spaces, Titan Student Union spaces, and the Student Recreation Center can be conducted through TitanLink.

These reservations will also be automatically marketed through the Events Calendar in TitanLink once approved.  

Events utilizing other spaces on campus (ie. Housing & Residence Life) will need to work with those respective offices to reserve spaces. Submissions through TitanLink for these locations are for MARKETING PURPOSES ONLY.  You must receive confirmation from the respective office to reserve the space for use.  The Office of Student Life & Leadership reserves the right to deny marketing of an event within TitanLink if it does not support the mission of the student organization or the University.    

Reservable Locations are available for Outdoor Spaces, Classroom Spaces, Titan Student Union and Housing & Residence Life. See reservation information for these locations below. 

A. Submit Event Request Form

All Club & Organization Presidents and Treasurers are able to reserve spaces through TitanLink.  Additional members are able to make reservations as long as they are designated as Event Planners in TitanLink.

  1. Visit your organization's TitanLink page.

  2. Click on the "CREATE EVENT" button within your organization's TitanLink page.

    1. Remember only presidents, treasurers, and event planners can create events in TitanLink. 

    2. To make a member an event planner, please visit: Adding a Member as an Event Planner

  3. SUBMIT your event information.

    1. Submission form will require details of the event, such as:

        1. Event Title, Theme, & Description

        2. Time & Place – Date(s) & Time of event, set up, etc.

        3. Event Location Venue Request

        4. Additional event details: Budget/Funding Source; Estimated Attendance (to consider appropriate spaces) and population(s); Equipment, Catering, Decorations; etc.

B. Receive Approval of Denial via TitanLink
  1. Request(s) will be reviewed by Student Life & Leadership or the appropriate office and will be evaluated.

  2. Student Life & Leadership directly oversees the reservations for outdoors venues (e.g., Titan Walk, Tuffy Lawn). Event requests will be reviewed and responded to within 7 business days. Student Life & Leadership serves as a liaison for classrooms, athletic spaces, and KHS rooms.

  3. A potential referral to the Campus Activities Committee may be required for large-scale or special events.

C. Venue Management via TitanLink
    1. Student Life & Leadership

      1. Outdoor Venues (Central Quad, Humanities Quad, ECS Lawn, etc.)

      2. Athletic Spaces, & Classrooms

    2. University Conference Center Spaces (Titan Student Union)

      1. The Portola Pavilion, Meeting Rooms, Becker Amphitheater, Titan Theater, etc. 

    3. Housing and Residential Engagement meeting rooms

    4. Below is a flow chart for reference

Flowchart with venues at CSUF.  

III. Event Approval Process

Large scale events may go through an additional approval process, beginning with a consultation meeting with Student Life & Leadership.

A. SLL Consultation Meeting
  1. The Event Planner will receive an email from SLL Staff with guidance on how to set up a consultation meeting. The intent of the meeting is to gather additional context and vision of the event. 

  2. After meeting with SLL Staff, next steps will be determined and likely fall within two categories:

    1. SLL Staff will provide action steps that need to be completed for event approval.

    2. The Event Planner will be referred to the Campus Activities Committee (CAC).

B. Campus Activities Committee (CAC)
  1. The Office of Student Life & Leadership, in partnership with various campus departments, gathers approximately every two weeks to support student organizations in planning large-scale campus-wide events. 

    The committee provides advisement for student events in the areas of (including but not limited to):

      1. Risk Management
      2. Event Space & Logistics
      3. Overall Event Planning 
  2. Event Planners may need to attend a CAC meeting if their event needs additional advisement and consultation from SLL and various campus partners. The CAC meetings are designed to support and guide student groups through their event planning with the collective expertise of our campus experts.
  3. Campus Departments:
    1. Associated Students, Inc. (ASI)
    2. Athletics
    3. Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S)
    4. Events & Facilities Use Planning
    5. Facilities Operations
    6. Parking & Transportation
    7. Risk Management
    8. Student Life & Leadership
    9. University Police

4. Event Planner role at CAC:

    1. You will be assigned a 20-30 minute slot to meet with the committee and an outline to prepare for the meeting.
    2. Present a snapshot of your event. 
        1. Logistics, details, layout
        2. Expected attendance
        3. Vendors that will be attending
        4. Where you are in your planning, and what is still needed.
    3.  Answer and clarify questions asked by the committee
    4. Come with some questions prepared but also know that we are all there to support you and your event planning process!

IV. Insurance and Vendor Approvals

Events may also require approvals from Environmental Health & Safety, Risk Management, Facilities Management, University Police, Parking and Transportation Services, and other campus departments before the event is confirmed. 

These approvals are facilitated through the Event Approval Process.

V. Event Compliance 

Failure of a student organization, department, and/or individual to properly use the Event Approval process or are in violation of any University policies during their event may result in the inability to hold the event or early cancellation.

VI. Fire Lanes

Fire Lanes must be maintained clear and free of obstructions at all times. Vehicle staging or parking in or on the Fire Lanes is not permitted.

Use of Amplified Sound & Noise-Making Devices

The following guidelines outline the permitted use of amplified sound and/or noise-making devices (collectively “amplified sound”) during an activity and additional guidelines outlined in the Systemwide Time, Place and Manner Policy .

I. Guidelines 

A. The following criteria outline the use of amplified sound and/or noise-making devices during an activity on University Property.

  1. Time: The use of amplified sound and/or noise-making devices during an activity may only occur from 12:00 pm until 1:00 pm. Any use may not impede with any previously scheduled event.
  2. Place: The use of amplified sound and/or noise-making devices may only occur in the following locations: Becker Amphitheatre, Tuffy Lawn, the Main Quad, and the Humanities and Social Sciences Quad.
  3. Manner: The sound level created by the use of amplified sound and/or noise-making devices may not exceed 85dB (75dB for the H&SS Quad) when measured 25 feet from the source (device) of amplified sound or noise-making. University staff will measure the sound level during relevant events to ensure compliance. After one warning and the provision of one minute to bring the volume to a permitted level, the University will ask the event organizers to stop the use of amplified sound and/or noise-making devices if another infraction occurs. Failure to comply may lead to a ban from the use of amplified sound and/or noise-making devices at future activities.

B. These guidelines do not apply to amplified sound and/or noise-making devices used during the regular or essential operations of the University (which include but are not limited to teaching, study, research, administration, or meetings). These guidelines also do not apply to outdoor University or auxiliary events, concerts, festivals or athletic contests.

C. Any use of amplified sound and/or noise-making devices that does not adhere to the California State University’s Interim Systemwide Time, Place and Manner Policy, including the Campus Addendum (collectively “Policy”); these guidelines; impedes or is disruptive to the regular or essential operations of the University (which include but are not limited to teaching, study, research, administration, meetings and/or other authorized and permissible use of University facilities); infringes on the rights and privileges of others; damages University property or endangers the safety of others is prohibited.

D. Registered Student Organizations and Campus Departments requesting use of amplified sound must submit the Amplified Sound Request form at least 3 working days prior to the requested date of use.

II. Authority 

Article XVI of the Policy.

III. Scope 

Article III of the Policy.

IV. Definitions

A. “Amplified sound” means any sound enhanced through any device however powered that magnifies sound, including but not limited to microphones, mobile phones, bull horns and megaphones.

B. “Noise-making device” means any device used to make noise, including but not limited to drums, whistles, rattles and horns.

IV. Implementation 

A. Requests to use amplified sound and/or noise-making devices must be submitted at least three (3) working days prior to the requested date of use. Submittal of a request does not infer that a request will be approved. Requests may be denied for one or more of the following reasons:

  1. Failure to comply with applicable time, place, and manner restrictions
  2. Conflicts with other activities already approved to use amplified sound and/or noise-making devices
  3. Conflicts with University academic or administrative functions or events
  4. Public safety
  5. Past violations of these administrative guidelines by the requesting individual or organization.

VI. Accountability

Section B of Article XI of the Policy.

August 14, 2024. These guidelines were derived from parts of President’s Directive #5, which was last issued on June 17, 2024.

Campus Publicity & Posting

Registered student organizations, along with university departments, committees, individual students, faculty, and staff members are allowed to publicize campus events if they comply with the University publicity and posting regulations. Off-campus individuals or groups may not publicize on campus without prior approval from SLL. The cooperation of members of the campus community helps to maintain effective publicity for approved campus events.

California State University, Fullerton registered student organizations and campus departments may post flyers, posters, and banners at approved campus locations. Any violations of the below policies will result in removal of improperly posted signs and possible loss of posting privileges for the following semester and/or other restrictions as may be determined by Student Life & Leadership.

I. Identification of Publicity

A. All publicity should: 

  1. Completely spell out the name of your organization.
  2. Clearly show the event name.
  3. Clearly show the date, time, and place of the event being advertised.
  4. Provide a contact name and phone number and/or email address.

B. All publicity must state the sponsoring organization, name of program, date, time, and location of the event, and contact information. Any material not so identified will be removed

C. Only events approved by the University may include the name of the University in publicity

II. Publicity Approval Process

A. Registered Student Organizations & Campus Departments must complete the Stamping Request Form for Flyers on Titan Link  to receive a "Post Til" stamp or visit Student Life & Leadership (TSU-234) to obtain a “Post Til“ stamp. 

  1. For flyers/posters with a specific date, the "Post Til" date will be a day after the event concludes (as indicated on the flyer/poster)
  2. For flyers/posters without a specific date, the "Post Til" date will be a month from the date SLL received the initial request.
  3. For handbills (flyers smaller than 8.5 x 11), a "Post Til" stamp is not required.
  4. This stamp will indicate the length of time this flyer/poster should remain posted in the designated area. Please remember, flyers/posters may be taken down before your "Post Til" date due to circumstances outside of our control.
  5. Complete the Campus Activities: Stamping Request Form for Flyers form on TitanLink to receive a "Post Til" stamp. A confirmation will be emailed to you.

B. Off-campus Organizations and Non-Affiliates

  1. May post in designated posting areas on campus. These flyers may be up for a maximum of one (1) month and may only be displayed in pre-selected, high visibility campus locations.
  2. Every flyer posted by an off-campus organization or individual must be stamped by the Student Life and Leadership Office with a  "Post Til"  stamp.
      1. Any flyers found posted lacking the appropriate stamp or found posted in an unapproved location will be removed immediately. 
      2. Individuals or organizations found posting in an unapproved location or without proper stamping will be considered in violation of the CSUF Posting Policy.
  3. Off-Campus organizations and individuals may only post in the following locations:
      1. East side of the Titan Student Union (TSU), on the outdoor bulletin board north of the food court area.

III. Approved Posting Locations

A. Indoors

  1. On the numerous open bulletin boards located inside campus buildings (i.e., McCarthy Hall, University Hall, Humanities, Titan Student Union, etc.). This does not include boards that are reserved for department use only.

B. Outdoors  

  1. Post information in conjunction with a table set up in the Central Quad or on Titan Walk to distribute information, promote an event, etc. 

III. Areas Prohibited For Posting

A. Materials may not be posted:

  1. On Titan Student Union related bulletin boards, Departmental or Office bulletin boards without prior permission from the department/office. 
  2. Titan Walk and Performing Arts Promenade. 
  3. Any of the parking lots including Nutwood and State College Parking Structures. 
  4. On walls, glass, doors, plywood barriers at construction sites, trees, light poles, permanent signs, ATM machines, atop other signs, telephone booths, vending machines, tables, benches, or any location not listed above. 
  5. Sandwich Boards are not allowed.

B. Chalking on University-owned surfaces is prohibited and subject to removal.

C. Staking posters or objects into grass is prohibited and subject to removal. 

D. Student Organizations should not use any A-frames or sandwich boards for publicity.

VI. Banners & Event Signage

Registered Student Organizations and Campus Departments may post banners on campus once approved by Student Life & Leadership. Banner space must be reserved through this Banner Reservation Request Form . Banners may be posted for no more than two (2) weeks in approved banner locations.

A. Confirmation of a banner request will be provided through TitanLink including the name of the location and the dates for which the banner was approved.

B. Please remember the following guidelines for banners:

  1. Completely spell out the name of your organization
  2. Clearly show the event name
  3. Clearly show the date, time, and place of the event being advertised
  4. Hang the banner on an approved location
  5. Hang the banner with string or twine only
  6. Reinforce banner edges with masking or painter's tape, no duct tape
  7. Compose the lettering/images on the banner with non-water soluble paint, to avoid graphics and text damage in the rain.

C. Student Life & Leadership manages banner approvals for the following locations:

  1. Education Classrooms Balcony (Southwest Railing)
  2. Kinesiology Banner Space (Railing Only)
  3. McCarthy Hall Balcony East (East Facing Railings, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Floors)

D. Any violations of the above policies will result in removal of improperly posted banners and possible loss of posting privileges for the following semester and/or other restrictions as may be determined by Student Life & Leadership.

Administrative Guidelines Regarding Handbills & Circulars on Campus

I. Guidelines

A. Any lawful handbill or circular issued without charge may be distributed on University Property by any person as long as prior written permission has been obtained from the Vice President for Administration and Finance/Chief Financial Officer or designee (“Vice President”). Permission will be granted as long as the activity is lawful and those engaging in the activity adhere to the California State University’s Interim Systemwide Time, Place and Manner Policy, including the Campus Addendum (collectively “Policy”), and these guidelines. Activities that do not comply with the Policy and/or these guidelines are prohibited.

B. The University reserves the right to place reasonable restrictions on time, place and manner of expression and prohibits any acts that impede or are disruptive to the regular or essential operations of the University (which include but are not limited to teaching, study, research, administration, meetings and/or other authorized and permissible use of University facilities); infringe on the rights and privileges of others; damage University property or endanger the safety of others. The University further reserves the right to refuse permission based on health or safety concerns to permit distribution of handbills or circulars in a particular area of campus.

C. No person or persons may cast, throw, deposit or distribute any advertising handbills or circulars that contain false, misleading, or illegal advertising.

II. Authority

Article XVI of the Policy.

III. Scope

Article III of the Policy.

IV. Implementation

University business hours are 6 AM – 10 PM, every day. Except when campus is closed per the University academic calendar.

In any unreserved exterior location open to the public, except parking structures or lots, building courtyards and patios, residence halls, and at least 50 feet away from the entrance or exit of any building or parking structure or lot. Distribution inside any building or parking structure or lot, is not permitted. Handbills or circulars may not be placed upon any parked vehicle.


  1. Distribution of handbills and circulars (a) may not cause actual physical harm to a person; (b) may not impede classes or any other regular or essential operations of the University; (c) may not impede or obstruct the freedom of movement of any pedestrian, bicyclist or vehicle, including free entry to or exit from any University property or facility; (d) must be carried out without amplification equipment; (e) may not coerce or intimidate; and (f) must be carried out without repeated contact with persons who have declined the handbills and circulars.
  2. Handbills or circulars may not be inserted into copies of the Daily Titan awaiting distribution unless the Daily Titan has been paid the advertising cost of such insertions. Individuals or groups distributing materials, other than material discarded or dropped in or around appropriate receptacles, shall make a reasonable effort to retrieve and remove such materials prior to their departure from campus.

V. Accountability

Section B of Article XI of the Policy.

August 14, 2024. These guidelines were derived from President’s Directive #4, which was issued on June 23, 2017.

Administrative Guidelines Regarding Solicitation, Commercial Solicitation, Commercial Transactions and the Sale or Display of Published Materials

I. Guidelines

Solicitation; commercial solicitation; commercial transactions; and the sale, attempt to sell or display for sale of books, newspapers, pamphlets and other published materials on University Property may occur as long as prior written permission has been obtained from the Vice President for Administration and Finance/Chief Financial Officer or designee (“Vice President”). Permission will be granted as long as the activity is lawful and those engaging in the activity adhere to the California State University’s Interim Systemwide Time, Place and Manner Policy, including the Campus Addendum (collectively “Policy”), and these guidelines. Activities that do not comply with the Policy and/or these guidelines are prohibited.

II. Authority

Article XVI of the Policy.

III. Scope

A. Regarding the application of these guidelines, see Article III of the Policy.

B. These guidelines do not apply to (1) commercial solicitations, commercial transactions and the sale, attempt to sell or display for sale of published materials by or through a University auxiliary, (2) fundraising sales by University student clubs and organizations and faculty/staff affinity groups, (3) private sales between individuals where there is no attempt to solicit or sell to the general campus population, and (4) advertisements in the Daily Titan and other recognized student and faculty/staff publications.

IV. Definitions

A. "Commercial solicitation" means any direct or personal communication in the course of a trade or business reasonably intended to result in a sale.

B. "Commercial transaction" means selling or purchasing or both selling and purchasing by any person in the course of employment in, or in the carrying on of, a trade or business.

C. "Private sale" means occasional selling between members of the University community.

D. "Sale," "selling" or "purchasing" mean an activity creating an obligation to transfer property or services for a valuable consideration.

E. "Solicitation” means to importune, or endeavor to persuade or obtain by asking, but does not include "commercial solicitation."

V. Implementation

A. Commercial Transactions and Sales of Published Materials
Commercial transactions and the display of property or services for sale are permitted as long as prior written authorization has been obtained from the Vice President. Persons or organizations wishing to engage in commercial transactions or display property or services for sale on University Property will be granted permission if the proposed activity (limited to a maximum of twenty (20) business days per academic semester per seller/vendor) adheres to the time, place and manner restrictions established below; is not prohibited by law and (a) the proposed activity aids achievement of the University’s educational objectives or (b) the prospective seller/vendor makes no more than one appointment per day and the prospective buyer has agreed in writing in advance to an appointment.

The sale, attempt to sell or display for sale of books, newspapers, pamphlets and other published materials on University Property will be permitted by the Vice President provided that such published materials do not (a) violate applicable laws pertaining to obscene matters or (b) consist of term papers, theses, or other written materials submitted for academic credit that the seller knows may be used to engage in academic dishonesty, including plagiarism and cheating, or otherwise violate the Code of Student Conduct.

  1. TIME
    University business hours are 6 AM – 10 PM every day. Except when campus is closed per the University academic calendar.

  2. PLACE
    Reserved spaces in the patio area in front of the University bookstore and, in the case of newspapers, designated areas.

    Commercial transactions and the sale or display for sale of books, newspapers, pamphlets and other published materials (a) may not cause actual physical harm to a person; (b) may not impede classes or any other regular or essential operations of the University, including any emergency response or drill; (c) may not impede or obstruct the freedom of movement of any pedestrian—including individuals with disabilities, bicyclist or vehicle—including free entry to or exit from any University Property; (d) must be carried out in compliance with the University’s administrative guidelines regarding amplified sound; (e) may not promote an unlawful end, such as promoting actual violence or bodily or property harms, terrorist threats, defamation, obscenity, and false advertising, (f) may not violate applicable laws pertaining to obscene matter, (g) may not consist of term papers, theses, or other written materials submitted for academic credit that the seller knows may be used to engage in academic dishonesty, including, but not limited to, plagiarism and cheating, or otherwise violate the Code of Student Conduct and (h) may not violate any federal, state or local safety code, such as regulations set by the State Fire Marshal. No such activities may occur during Commencement ceremonies. Individuals are allowed to distribute printed matter as long as, other than material discarded or dropped in or around appropriate receptacles, they make a reasonable effort to retrieve and remove such materials prior to their departure that day.

    Print materials adhering to and permitted under these guidelines may be sold from or displayed for sale in vending machines/news racks whose location on University Property has been designated by the Vice President.

    To request approval and to obtain the required permit to engage in commercial transactions and/or the sale or display of published materials, contact the Auxiliary Services Corporation at 657-278-3415. This permit must be visible and displayed at all times.

B. Solicitation and Commercial Solicitation
Solicitation and commercial solicitation are permitted as long as prior written authorization has been obtained from the Vice President. Individuals or organizations wishing to engage in solicitation or commercial solicitation on University Property will be granted permission (maximum of twenty (20) business days per academic semester per individual or organization) adheres to the time, place and manner restrictions established below; is not prohibited by law and (1) the proposed activity aids achievement of the University’s educational objectives or (2) the prospective seller/vendor makes no more than one appointment per day and the prospective buyer has agreed in writing in advance to an appointment.


  1. Time: 
    University business hours are 6 AM – 10 PM every day. Except when campus is closed per the University academic calendar.
  2. Place: 
    Reserved tables on the Titan Walk.
  3. Manner: 
    Solicitation activities (a) may not cause actual physical harm to a person; (b) may not impede classes or any other regular or essential operations of the University, including any emergency response or drill; (c) may not impede or obstruct the freedom of movement of any pedestrian—including individuals with disabilities, bicyclist or vehicle—including free entry to or exit from any University Property; (d) must be carried out in compliance with the University’s administrative guidelines regarding amplified sound; (e) may not promote an unlawful end, such as promoting actual violence or bodily or property harms, terrorist threats, defamation, obscenity, and false advertising, (f) may not violate applicable laws pertaining to obscene matter, (g) may not consist of term papers, theses, or other written materials submitted for academic credit that the seller knows may be used to engage in academic dishonesty, including, but not limited to, plagiarism and cheating, or otherwise violate the Code of Student Conduct and (h) may not violate any federal, state or local safety code, such as regulations set by the State Fire Marshal. No such activities may occur during Commencement ceremonies. Individuals are allowed to distribute printed matter as long as, other than material discarded or dropped in or around appropriate receptacles, they make a reasonable effort to retrieve and remove such materials prior to their departure that day.

    Marketers of credit cards are prohibited from offering gifts to students for their filling out credit card applications.

    To request approval and to obtain the required permit to engage in solicitation or commercial solicitation, contact the Office of Student Life and Leadership at 657-278-7622. This permit must be visible and displayed at all times.

C. The prior scheduling of an activity, exceeding reservation limits, and/or a health or safety issue represent the sole bases for declining to schedule an activity that otherwise complies with these guidelines.

IV. Accountability

Section B of Article XI of the Policy.

August 14, 2024. These guidelines were derived from President’s Directive #2, which was issued on June 23, 2017.

Information Tables and Fundraising

I. Information Tables

A. Registered Student Organizations and Campus Departments may request tabling location via Titan Link.

  1. Registered Student Organizations can request a Titan Walk table or other location via the Event Submission form on Titan Link.
  2. Campus Departments may request a Titan Walk table or over locations via the Campus Department Reservation Request form on Titan Link.

B. Off-campus Organizations and Non-Affiliates may request a Titan Walk table by completing the Campus Activities: Off Campus Guest Form on Titan Link.

  1. Off-campus organizations can visit Student Life & Leadership (TSU-234) on the day of their reservation for assistance in finding a Titan Walk table location.
  2. Off-campus organizations are granted approval for information distribution only, with the exception of nonprofit corporations or agencies.
  3. Off-campus Organizations and Non-Affiliates may not sell or accept monies from any individual while on University grounds (see President's Directive 2).
  4. Off-campus organizations are not allowed to drive onto campus without an escort from Parking & Transportation
  5. Student Life & Leadership reserves the right to ask any off campus organization and/or individual to leave a table if they are not in compliance with any system-wide, university policy, President’s Directive.

II. Fundraising Event Types

Fundraisers are essential for supporting the activities and initiatives of student organizations. To ensure compliance with university regulations and policies. 

A. Item Sales Fundraiser:

  1. Student organizations may conduct fundraisers where members sell items, and 100% of the proceeds collected from these sales go to the organization. 
  2. These fundraisers can include but are not limited to activities such as: selling handmade items by members of the organization, reselling food items such as boba drinks, or hosting bake sales.
  3. Any food sales must be approved by Environmental Health & Safety and other campus partners as needed.
  4. Funds raised by an item sales fundraiser will be deposited directly into your organization’s ASI Agency Account via the following steps:
  5. Submit Clubs & Orgs: Cash Fundraising & Online Sales Setup Form 2024-2025 form to request online cash collection. Online cash collection is recommended. 

B. Give Back/Neighborhood Fundraisers

  1. Student organizations may collaborate with third-party vendors who can contribute to the organization's fundraising efforts. 
  2. At least 2 weeks prior to your event, submit Clubs & Orgs: Donation/Tax ID/W-9 Form to request a W-9/Tax ID in response to a monetary donation.
  3. Once the event is approved by the Philanthropic Foundation, you will receive an email with the Tax ID number for your fundraiser that you will provide to the restaurant. Please make sure you also provide your Student Group name and 6‐digit ASI number to the restaurant and request that they add it to the check memo. **If this is not done, this may cause delays in processing the check and having the money deposited into your ASI account. **
  4. Checks must be made payable to: Cal State Fullerton Philanthropic Foundation (CSFPF)
    1. Checks should be mailed to:

      Cal State Fullerton Philanthropic Foundation (CSFPF)
      PO Box 843730
      Los Angeles, CA 90084‐3730
      ATTN: Student Affairs
      (**Do not have checks sent to your home address**)

**Please note deposits to ASI accounts can take up to 8 weeks after the gift is received.

C. Vendor Showcase/Flea Market

  1. For any on-campus events involving sales of spectator tickets and/or vendor fees, additional approval may be required. Organizations must begin planning at least 60 days prior to the proposed event date.

  2. Any organizations planning a Flea Market or similar event that includes a vendor fee to participate in the event, additional requirements must be met.

      1. Vendors are defined as any individual, including student members, offering products or services to generate income.

  3. Event Requirements:

    1. Events must be held outside of campus operating business hours (after 5PM on weekdays, or on the weekend); with an expected attendance based on vendor count:

      1. 0-10 Vendors: 300+ attendees

      2. 11-20 Vendors: 750+ attendees

      3. Over 20 Vendors: 1000+ attendees

    2. Collaboration and partnership with at least 3-5 additional organizations, to support in marketing and promotion to ensure the event's success. 

    3. Recognizing the substantial time and effort, events should be designed with the intention of becoming recurring or annual traditions.

    4. Organizations must begin planning at least 60 days prior to the proposed event date.

  4. Event Planners must submit a proposal. The proposal must convey an event objective that supports your organization's mission as well as CSUF’s institutional Mission & Values .

      1. Event Organizer Information:
        1. Student Organization or Group Name
        2. Contact Person's Name, Title, Email, and Phone Number
      2. Event Overview:
        1. Event Title
        2. Date, time, and location
        3. Duration of the Event
        4. Anticipated Number of Attendees
      3. Purpose:
        1. Describe the event's purpose, objectives, and any unique features or themes.
        2. Provide an overview of the student organization and its mission, highlighting how your organization’s mission is connected to the event’s purpose/objective.
        3. Outline what attendees will learn, experience, or take away from the event.
        4. Share how your event supports the Mission & Values of Cal State Fullerton.
      4. Collaboration:
        1. Provide a list of the organizations or clubs with which you plan to collaborate for the event as well as their expected level of involvement.
        2. Describe the benefits of collaborating with these organizations. Explain how their involvement enhances the event's success, such as through shared resources, increased promotion, or additional expertise.
      5. Marketing and Promotion Plan:
        1. Explain your marketing strategy to attract attendees and convey the event's purpose and uniqueness.
        2. Detail promotional materials, social media campaigns, and collaborations with other student organizations or departments. This plan must validate the expected attendance.
        3. Establish a timeline with key milestones, such as announcements, ticket sales, and content creation deadlines.
      6. Budget Proposal:
        1. Provide a budget breakdown for the event, including expected expenses and sources of funding.
        2. Include quotes for items like tables, chairs, and party rentals (Approved vendors: Create A Party Rentals & Haz Party Rentals
      7. Sales & Ticket Management: 
        1. Specify the types of tickets available for the event, including spectator tickets, vendor booth fees, etc. All tickets or fees must be detailed with what it includes and a fixed cost.
        2. Include key features or offerings that come with each ticket type, outlining the benefits or experience. 
        3. Ticket management must be deposited directly into your organization’s ASI Agency Account.
        4. Submit Clubs & Orgs: Cash Fundraising & Online Sales Setup Form 2023-2024 form to request online cash collection. 
      8. Vendor Participants:
        1. List confirmed and potential vendors participating in the event.
        2. Vendors are defined as any individual, including student members, offering products or services to generate income.
        3. Organizers will coordinate with Risk Management and Student Life & Leadership, providing necessary documentation such as: Certificates of Insurance, liability coverage, workers' compensation, and sales permits.
      9. Event Timeline:
        1. Provide a tentative timeline leading up to the event with key dates, including planning meetings, vendor outreach, marketing launches, volunteer outreach, event setup, etc.
        2. Day of Event timeline including a tentative schedule of activities, such as performances, activities included in the attendee ticket. 
      10. Safety and Logistics:
        1. Explain safety measures for attendees, vendors, and organizers.
        2. Organizers will collaborate with Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S), Risk Management, and other campus partners as needed. 
      11. Evaluation and Feedback:
        1. Describe the plan for evaluating the event's success.
        2. Explain how feedback will be collected from attendees, vendors, and participants.
        3. Following the event, a transition report or summary must be completed as a resource to future organizers of this event.

Recognition and Registration for Student Organizations

I. Annual Registration for Recognized Student Organizations

All Student Organizations must be registered and be in “good standing” with the University for the following privileges:

  1. To maintain University recognition
  2. To use campus services, facilities and grounds 
  3. To travel as a recognized student organization
  4. To use ASI Accounting services and establish an ASI Agency account.

The re-registration process with the Office of Student Life and Leadership is as follows:

  1. Maintain a TitanLink account of the organization with five officers (i.e., President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and another officer) listed on the registration form.
  2. The incoming president of a student organization must complete a re-registration form in TitanLink. 
  3. The Organization President and Treasurer must complete Officer Training  with the Office of Student Life and Leadership. The President and Treasurer must also meet academic eligibility requirements set forth by EO 1068 and be in good standing with the university. 
  4. Student Organizations leaders are required to attend LeadCon in the fall as part of the re-registration requirement. 
  5. Fraternity and Sorority chapters must also maintain a complete roster in TitanLink.
  6. Club Sports organizations must also register on Do Sports Easy and maintain a current TitanLink organization page to be completed no later than October 18 for the academic year.
  7. If a student organization fails to register by August 31, they are NOT considered “registered organizations” and will not be granted the privileges as listed in Sections A. 1. above. Student organizations that do not complete the re-registration process from May 1 - August 31 may register between November 1 – January 31 to obtain privileges as listed in A. 1. above for spring semester participation.  

II. New Clubs & Organizations

  1. New clubs and organizations must be created with a minimum of five student members (Club President, Treasurer and three additional student members). New clubs and organizations must also have a Faculty/Staff Advisor and be guided by a club constitution
    1. The incoming president submitting a New Org Registration form in TitanLink.
      1. Students must submit a registration form between November 1 and November 30. 
    2. The Organization President and Treasurer must complete Officer Training  with the Office of Student Life and Leadership. The President and Treasurer must also meet academic eligibility requirements set forth by EO 1068 and be in good standing with the university. 
    3. Student Organizations leaders are required to attend LeadCon in the spring as part of the new organization registration requirement. 
    1. Students interested in starting a new organization are encouraged to fill out the New Organization Interest Form in TitanLink (under Campus Links).
    2. The recognition process for new clubs and organizations will consist of:

III. Club Advisors

Each officially recognized student organization must have a university advisor who is either a faculty member or professional staff. Faculty/Staff members may serve as advisors in a full-time or part-time status. Advisors should not be selected from auxiliary organizations on campus. Club Advisors are required to complete Advisor Training with the Office of Student Life and Leadership. 

IV. Club Sport Organizations

Procedures for the establishment of forming a new club sports team or recreation organization, which is an activity within Club Sports, shall be as follows:

  1. The process shall be initiated by meeting with the Sports Clubs Coordinator. After consulting with the Sports Clubs Coordinator, the student initiating the new organization will receive the “Forming a New Sport Club” form which must be completed as part of the student organization intake process.
  2. After completing the form, another meeting shall be scheduled with the Sports Clubs Coordinator to review the application.

University partners (Facilities Management, Risk Management, Athletics, and Campus Events Office) will be consulted to determine the impact on facilities, current usage trends, and potential space allocation. The director of Student Life and Leadership will grant final approval to all new applications.

Reasons for denying approval to establish a new club activity may include but are not limited to the following: high risk, inability to secure a university approved secondary medical insurance policy, lack of on-or off-campus facilities, duplicate club team, the expense of the club, and for competitive clubs the absence of a National Governing Body or other University teams to compete against.

The Sports Clubs Coordinator. will make a recommendation to the director of Student Life and Leadership regarding the recognition of a proposed club sports activity.

ASI provides funding directly to Sports Clubs Inter Club Council for distribution to the Sports Clubs organizations to enhance campus life and student engagement. 

V. Fraternities, Sororities, Honor Societies & Inter-Club Councils

Fraternities, sororities, honor societies, and inter-club councils request approval of their constitutions and bylaws from the Office of Student Life and Leadership. Fraternities and sororities receive recognition through Fraternity & Sorority Life (FSL) within the department of Student Life and Leadership. The university in consultation with the FSL Council(s), determines when FSL expansion may occur. 


VI. Updating a Club Officer, Advisor, Organization Name & Constitution

Student organizations requesting to update their officers, advisor, name and constitution must complete the Organizational Change form in TitanLink. The Organizational Change found can be found under the Campus Links section. 

VII. Off-Campus Bank Accounts

    1. All monies collected in the name of a student organization for its activities must be used exclusively to further the organization’s goals and objectives.
    2. Student organizations may not conduct business of any kind through an off-campus bank account.
    3. In accordance with Executive Order 1068 (EO 1068), monies must be maintained in an ASI agency account.
      1. Venmo, Zelle, Go Fund Me, and other third party funding systems cannot be used by Registered Student Organizations. 
    4. All revenues generated through activities sponsored by using ASI funds must be deposited in the ASI Accounting Department. 
    5. The authorized officers who sign for expenditures from an ASI agency account expressly represent that the funds are being used to further their organizations’ goals and objectives.

Academic Eligibility Qualifications for Student Office Holders

Qualifications for officers are derived from the California State University, Office of the Chancellor, and current University Policy. These requirements are considered minimum qualifications to demonstrate academic involvement, achievement, and progress. The University president may establish additional requirements. 

Officer Qualifications: Minor Representative Officers CSU

Student Organization Presidents and Treasurers must be: 

  1. A matriculating Student
  2. Maintaining a minimum on-campus 2.0 term grade point average (GPA)
  3. In good standing, and must not be on academic, disciplinary or administrative probation.
  4. Undergraduate incumbents must earn 6 semester (9 quarter) units per term while holding office. Graduate and credential incumbents must earn 3 semester (4 quarter) units per term while holding office. 
  5. Undergraduate students are allowed to earn a maximum of 150 semester (225 quarter) units or 125 percent of the units required for a specific baccalaureate degree objective, whichever is greater. Graduate and credential students are allowed to earn a maximum of 50 semester (75 quarter) units or 167 percent of the units required for the graduate or credential objective, whichever is greater.


Reservable Space

I. Reservable Locations (managed by SLL)

A. Outdoor Spaces (Reserved by Student Life & Leadership through TitanLink)
All reservations for Outdoor Spaces will be done through TitanLink and will be automatically marketed through the Events Calendar once approved.

  1. Engineering & Computer Science (ECS) Lawn
  2. Engineering & Computer Science (ECS) Courtyard
  3. Humanities Terrace
  4. Humanities Quad
  5. Jacaranda Court {Courtyard located east of Titan Shops}
  6. Kinesiology & Health Science (KHS) Mall
  7. Central Quad
  8. Steven G. Mihaylo Hall (SGMH) Courtyard
  9. Titan Walk Tables
  10. Titan Lawn (Grass area on south side of the Titan Walk)
  11. Tuffy Lawn (Grass area located between the SRC and Titan Gymnasium)

B. Classroom Spaces
(Reserved by Student Life & Leadership for Clubs/Organizations through TitanLink)

Please note that classroom spaces will not be available until after the third week of instruction in any given semester.  "Student life and leadership will work with the Academic scheduling office to solidify your request promptly.” 

All reservations for Classroom Spaces will be done through TitanLink and will be automatically marketed through the Events Calendar once approved.

  1. University Hall (UH)
  2. McCarthy Hall (MH)
  3. Kinesiology (KHS)
  4. Education Classroom (EC)
  5. Engineering & Computer Science (ECS)
  6. Steven G. Mihaylo Hall (SGMH)
  7. Langsdorf Hall (LH)
  8. Humanities Hall (HH)

C. Athletic Spaces
(Reserved by Kinesiology & Athletics through  TitanLink)

Please note that Kinesiology dance rooms will not be available until after the third week of instruction in any given semester.  "Student life and leadership will work with the Kinesiology scheduling office to solidify your request promptly.” 

  1. Kinesiology Dance Rooms (202, 204, 264)
  2. Intramural Fields
  3. South Softball Field
  4. Titan Gym

Map of reservable venues at CSUF.

Flea Market Guidelines

III. Vendor Showcase | Flea Markets

For any on-campus events involving sales of spectator tickets and/or vendor fees: 

  1. Events must be held outside of campus operating business hours (after 5PM on weekdays, or on the weekend); with an expected attendance based on vendor count:
    1. 0-10 Vendors: 300+ attendees
    2. 11-20 Vendors: 750+ attendees
    3. Over 20 Vendors: 1000+ attendees
  2. Collaboration and partnership with at least 3-5 additional organizations, to support in marketing and promotion to ensure the event's success. 
  3. Event proposal must convey an event objective that supports your organization's mission as well as CSUF’s institutional Mission & Values .
  4. Recognizing the substantial time and effort, events should be designed with the intention of becoming recurring or annual traditions.
  5. Organizations must begin planning at least 60 days prior to the event. 


  1. Event Organizer Information:
    1. Student Organization or Group Name
    2. Contact Person's Name, Title, Email, and Phone Number
  2. Event Overview:
    1. Event Title
    2. Date, time, and location
    3. Duration of the Event
    4. Anticipated Number of Attendees
  3. Purpose:
    1. Describe the event's purpose, objectives, and any unique features or themes.
    2. Provide an overview of the student organization and its mission, highlighting how your organization’s mission is connected to the event’s purpose/objective.
    3. Outline what attendees will learn, experience, or take away from the event.
    4. Share how your event supports the Mission & Values of Cal State Fullerton.
  4. Collaboration:
    1. Provide a list of the organizations or clubs with which you plan to collaborate for the event as well as their expected level of involvement.
    2. Describe the benefits of collaborating with these organizations. Explain how their involvement enhances the event's success, such as through shared resources, increased promotion, or additional expertise.
  5. Marketing and Promotion Plan:
    1. Explain your marketing strategy to attract attendees and convey the event's purpose and uniqueness.
    2. Detail promotional materials, social media campaigns, and collaborations with other student organizations or departments. This plan must validate the expected attendance.
    3. Establish a timeline with key milestones, such as announcements, ticket sales, and content creation deadlines.
  6. Budget Proposal:
    1. Provide a budget breakdown for the event, including expected expenses and sources of funding.
    2. Include quotes for items like tables, chairs, and party rentals (Approved vendors: Create A Party Rentals & Haz Party Rentals
  7. Sales & Ticket Management: 
    1. Specify the types of tickets available for the event, including spectator tickets, vendor booth fees, etc. All tickets or fees must be detailed with what it includes and a fixed cost.
    2. Include key features or offerings that come with each ticket type, outlining the benefits or experience. 
    3. Ticket management must be deposited directly into your organization’s ASI Agency Account.
    4. Submit Clubs & Orgs: Cash Fundraising & Online Sales Setup Form 2023-2024 form to request online cash collection. 
  8. Vendor Participants:
    1. List confirmed and potential vendors participating in the event.
    2. Vendors are defined as any individual, including student members, offering products or services to generate income.
    3. Organizers will coordinate with Risk Management and Student Life & Leadership, providing necessary documentation such as: Certificates of Insurance, liability coverage, workers' compensation, and sales permits.
  9. Event Timeline:
    1. Provide a tentative timeline leading up to the event with key dates, including planning meetings, vendor outreach, marketing launches, volunteer outreach, event setup, etc.
    2. Day of Event timeline including a tentative schedule of activities, such as performances, activities included in the attendee ticket. 
  10. Safety and Logistics:
    1. Explain safety measures for attendees, vendors, and organizers.
    2. Organizers will collaborate with Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S), Risk Management, and other campus partners as needed. 
  11. Evaluation and Feedback:
    1. Describe the plan for evaluating the event's success.
    2. Explain how feedback will be collected from attendees, vendors, and participants.
    3. Following the event, a transition report or summary must be completed as a resource to future organizers of this event.