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Titan Leadership Experience

The Titan Leadership Experience is hosted by Student Life & Leadership to help students uncover their leadership potential, build skills in key competencies, and find new ways to get involved on campus.

From attending educational workshops, to joining a club or working on campus, and everything in between, there is a leadership path for everyone! Choose your own adventure by picking a path to follow and get involved now to complete your path to be recognized at our end of year celebration!

Explore Your Path

Leadership Exploration TitanLink Path

  • Intro to Leadership Workshop
    • The Titan Leadership Experience: Introduction to Leadership workshop sets the foundation for students looking to develop new leadership skills in college. This workshop highlights the ways students can get involved in programs that build leadership skills through Student Life and Leadership and various campus partners. Students who attend this workshop will begin to identify the importance of leadership skills and how they can benefit them during their time at CSUF and beyond.
  • 4 Electives

Leadership Development TitanLink Path

  • Attend 4 Workshops from below
    • True Colors
      • The Titan Leadership Experience: True Colors workshop is designed to help students learn more about their individual leadership styles and how they may differ from the styles of others. Students who attend this workshop will learn that everyone has something to contribute when working in groups and that anyone has the power to be a leader.
    • Strategic Planning
      • The Titan Leadership Experience: Strategic Planning workshop provides students with the opportunity to learn more about topics such as mission, vision, and goal-setting . This workshop is especially useful for leaders of student organizations who may be planning for the future of their organization.
    • Personal Behavior
      • The Titan Leadership Experience: Personal Behavior workshop helps students recognize the impact that their actions as leaders can have on the organizations and groups that they are a part of. Students who complete this workshop will learn how and when to best take actionallowing them to become effective leaders.
    • Self-Awareness and Development
      • The Titan Leadership Experience: Self-Awareness and Development workshop focuses on providing students with tools to develop awareness of themselves, their contributions to a group, and the work they produce. Students who attend this workshop will gain a deeper understanding of their personal values and how they align with their goals.
    • Group Dynamics
      • The Titan Leadership Experience: Group Dynamics workshop focuses on building strong, cohesive teams and is especially useful for leaders of student organizations. Students who attend this workshop will learn strategies for creating productive relationships and developing strong teams.

Leadership In Action Cohort

The Titan Leadership Experience: Leadership In Action Cohort, is a series of three workshops that take place over the course of a semester. Students participating in this free cohort will start off by completing the CliftonStrengths assessment ($25-50 value) where they will learn their top strengths. Through the series of workshops, students will learn more about their strengths, what they mean to them, and how they can be applied to reach their goals. Students who complete this cohort will also have the option to register for a coaching session with a GallupCertified Strengths Coach (up to $350 value) to further dive into their individual strengths.

  • Name It
    • After completing the Clifton Strengths assessment, students will attend the Titan Leadership Experience: Name It workshop, which focuses on building a basic understanding of their own themes of talent. Students who complete this workshop will be able to identify ways in which their signature themes relate to their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors and begin to identify which themes they rely on most frequently.
  • Claim It
    • Building upon the foundation established in the Name It workshop, the Titan Leadership Experience: Claim It workshop will take a deeper dive, allowing students to identify ways that their themes of talent have contributed to their past success. Students who complete this workshop will recognize the ways in which their themes of talent interact with those of other students, and begin to demonstrate strategies for turning their signature themes into strengths.
  • Aim It
    • Completing the three-part series, the Titan Leadership Experience: Aim It workshop will provide students with an opportunity to identify the ways in which their signature themes enable them to pursue their academic, professional, and interpersonal goals. Students who complete this workshop will be able to apply theme-specific strategies to accomplish their goals.

Service Leadership Program

In addition to completing the Leadership In Action Cohort, students participating in the Service Leadership Program will also actively participate in planning and leading community service opportunities on and off campus. This program gives priority to board members of registered Community Service Organizations and students who are interested in becoming Project Directors through Student Life and Leadership, which are volunteers who work with Student Life and Leadership staff to coordinate and lead monthly volunteer opportunities.

Students completing this program will receive the same information and benefits as those completing the Leadership In Action Cohort, with the addition of having hands on experience, being able to apply these new skills to give back to the community.