Frequently Asked Questions

What is SCERP?

The Southern California Ecosystems Research Program (SCERP) offers undergraduate Biology students opportunities to perform independent research and prepare for graduate school in ecology and environmental biology. This program was funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation (2002-2016) and is currently funded by philanthropic donations directly to the program. SCERP scholars receive up to two years of training for students to pursue their own research in conjunction with a faculty mentor, mentored travel to scientific conferences to present their research, and develop a plan to reach their career goals. If you are interested in pursuing a career in ecology, or environmental biology, then SCERP may be just the group for you.


What support is provided?

SCERP scholars receive some summer support, research and travel funds during the academic year, and are eligible for CSUF funding opportunities through NSM Inter Club Council, Associated Students Incorporated, and the Faculty Development Center.



What are the terms of support?

SCERP scholars enroll in an intensive summer field ecology course (Biol 301) and must be available full-time during the month of June. Scholars work on developing their research approximately 10-20 hours a week during the remainder of the summer. During the academic year scholars participate in research 8-12 hours per week. Each scholar develops and completes an independent research project that culminates in a senior thesis. SCERP scholars enroll in Biol 480E that meets one hour a week and helps students prepare for conferences, write their research proposal, and develop resumes and career goals.



Who can apply to SCERP?

CSUF Biology majors interested in careers in ecology, environmental industry, government agencies, or graduate school in biology, ecology, or environmental biology are eligible for SCERP. Students from ethnic groups under-represented in ecology are especially encouraged to apply (including African-American, Hispanic, Pacific Islander, and Native American).



Where do I get more information?

Further information about SCERP and application forms can be obtained from Dr. Jennifer Burnaford or Dr. Bill Hoese, CSUF-SCERP Program co-Directors, Department of Biological Science, California State University Fullerton.

Dr. Burnaford: Telephone: (657) 278-2382. Email:

Dr. Hoese: Telephone: (657) 278-2476. Email:



I am interested! How do I apply?

Go to the application page on the SCERP website.