SCERP Resources
Resources for SCERP Scholars
Mentor meeting form:
MentorMeetingForm.doc in Word format, or MentorMeetingForm.pdf
in pdf format.
Use this form to help you plan efficient research meetings with your faculty mentor. You want to get the most out of your time working with your mentor. Come prepared to your meeting with a plan of what you want to discuss. Take notes during the meeting and set goals for work to be completed before the next meeting. -
Post-SCERP career paths: Schematic showing the career paths of some of our SCERP alumni as of fall 2009. Download the PostSCERPCareerPaths.pdf
Job resources:
Searching for a job in ecology or environmental biology? Check out the links to the most-used job sites by SCERP alumni. -
Questions to ask during interviews for graduate programs: Elizabeth Hessom modified a list of questions by Lauren Velasco and compiled a list of questions to ask when interviewing for graduate school. This PDF has questions for current graduate students in a program (a terrific source of information on what a program is like) and questions for potential advisors. GradSchoolInterviewQuestions.pdf
Weekly tracking form:
Fill in your activities for the week, including your time spent performing your own research (e.g., experimental design, data collection and analysis, research presentations at conferences, grant applications to support your research) (R); working on your thesis (e.g., writing, developing figures, using library-based resources), (T); other research-related activities (e.g., lab meetings, departmental seminar, attending conferences), (O); time spent on SCERP activities not related to your own research (e.g., Biol 480E, helping other SCERPies with their research, preparing and presenting research from Biol 301), (S). Please use abbreviations and annotate with specifics as appropriate. Fill out your form, sign it and have your faculty mentor sign it each week before turning it in during 480E. -
SCERP activites form:
Did you win an award, present your research at a conference, receive a prestigious scholarship, or volunteer your time and expertise? If so, let us know! Fill out this form and turn it in (digital or hard copy) to Dr. Hoese. We will celebrate your accomplishments and also use this information in our annual reports to NSF. - Travel accounting form: SCERP-TravelAccounting.xls In order to quickly and efficiently clear your account and reimburse you for SCERP travel please complete the travel accounting form. Include the dates you traveled and a list of your expenses. If you received a travel advance we need to completely document your expenses in order to clear your advance. Be sure to include your receipts with this form.
Tips on applying for scholarships and summer internship programs:
Applying for scholarships and summer programs takes time and preparation. Plan ahead, stay organized, use your resources effectively, and keep communication lines open.