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Allyson Degrassi

SCERP alum Allyson Degrassi (SCERP 2008-2011) has accepted a faculty position at Glenville State College in West Virginia, in the department of Land Resources.  Ally will teach Environmental Sciences and study the effects of environmental change on mammal ecology, with a focus on the effects of soil composition and contamination on small mammal foraging.

Dr. Hoese was awarded the Morse Award

Dr. Hoese was awarded the Morse Award for “excellence and innovation in science education” from the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology (SICB) in January 2018!

Dr. Hoese earns Outstanding Mentoring award

Dr. Hoese was featured in the OC Register for his recent “Outstanding Mentoring” award  from the Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science SACNAS)

SCERP summer camp boot camp in action

The Orange County Register ran a piece on the 2017 Biology 301 SCERP summer course:

Holly Suther receives Honorable Mention award

Congratulations to Holly Suther who received an Honorable Mention in the Best Undergraduate Poster competition at the 2017 Western Society of Naturalist Meeting in Pasadena CA.  Holly presented a poster on the 2017 Biology 301 SCERP ‘oyster week’

Kim Nelson working in San Gabriel Valley

Christine Goedhart publishes American Biology Teacher

Carrie De Jesus publishes her Masters thesis research

Stacy Schkoda awarded scholarships

Congratulations to Stacy Schkoda who was awarded the 2016 undergraduate scholarship from the Orange County Association of Environmental Professionals. She also won the 2016 CSUF Rachel Carson Scholarship in Conservation Biology!

Prarthana Shankar awarded Best Undergraduate Oral Presentation

Congratulations to Prarthana Shankar who won the Best Undergraduate Oral Presentation Award at the 2015 Southwest Organismal Biology Meeting at Cal Poly Pomona! She presented her SCERP reserarch investigating the reproductive physiology of the female California mussel ( Mytilus californianus ) across three locations in southern California.

SCERP scholars won 3 SACNAS awards

SCERP scholars won three awards at the 2015 SACNAS conference in Washington DC.

Velvet Park won an Outstanding Poster in Marine Biology and Oceanography, sponsored by Maryland Sea Grant, for her research with Dr. Kristy Forsgren investigating the effects of wastewater on the reproductive physiology of Pacific sanddabs. Velvet received travel funding from COAST to present her research.

Nathan Vega won an Outstanding Poster in Botany and Plant Sciences, sponsored by the Botanical Society of America, for his presentation of the SCERP summer group research project investigating foliar uptake in coastal sage scrub plants. Joseph Gamez, Jordan Abney, Stacy Schkoda, Austin Xu, Darren Sandquist, and William Hoese were co-authors on this poster. Nathan received travel funding from the Biology Undergraduate Research Scholars Training (BURST) program, funded by the CSUF Provost's Office, to present at the SACNAS meeting.

Evelyn Ruelas won an Outstanding Poster in Marine Biology and Oceanography, sponsored by Maryland Sea Grant, for her research with Dr. Kristy Forsgren examining the reproductive morphology and physiology of black perch. Evelyn received travel funding from the Biology Undergraduate Research Scholars Training (BURST) program, funded by the CSUF Provost's Office, to present at the SACNAS meeting.

Nicole Tronske awarded BioTiER scholarship

Congratulations to Nicole Tronske who received a 2015-2016 Biological Training in Education and Research (BioTiER) scholarship as part of her M.S. work at Cal Poly Pomona! As part of this NSF-funded program, Nicole will participate in hands-on activities to help her prepare to become a faculty member at the community college level.