Develop and maintain a nationally recognized Talent Development Program that invests in professional and leadership growth of staff.
This goal aligns to the following strategy in goal 3 of the University Strategic Plan: 3b). Enhance professional and leadership development opportunities to better support retention and engagement throughout all career stages.
- Every Student Affairs staff member will create an annual Professional Excellence Plan identifying the knowledge, skills and experiences they need to continue to grow and develop their capacity to perform their key responsibilities and support their future growth:
- Create the Student Affairs Leadership Institute, an orientation/on-boarding program for all new division employees to orient them to the campus and division, incorporating them into the high-performing Student Affairs team. Identify and incorporate components from both nationally recognized models and local efforts, such as the former University Leadership Program, to create this Institute. Establish a common knowledge and skill profile for all Student Affairs staff including both new and experienced individuals, and provide necessary training and support, reinforce high expectations and the transformational work of Student Affairs.
- The Division of Student Affairs and individual departments will support these plans with a consistent and clear approach, incorporating Student Affairs Core Values into the performance evaluation system, reinforcing the importance of these Core Values in shaping our services across campus.
- Support will include:
- Campus-based training on key topics and issues.
- Appropriate cross-training and/or rotation opportunities to broaden the experience and capacity of staff within each department, division, and across divisions.
- Staff will have various types of professional development opportunities, and
- Support to pursue advanced degrees.
- Provide comprehensive professional development opportunities:
- Entry-level and mid-level staff will also have:
- Access to a mentoring program that supports their growth and development.
- Funding to support appropriate professional development opportunities off campus.
- Opportunities to share best practices that align with our Core Values within the Division, within the CSU System, and in other regional and national venues.
- Encouragement to contribute to professional publications.
- MPP, supervisory and lead staff will also have:
- Training and support to mentor, coach and develop staff potential.
- Support to establish a succession plan to enable better transitions as vacancies exist.
- Specialized training and support will be provided for establishing standards and practices for using and managing social media across the Division.
- Entry-level and mid-level staff will also have:
- Create a process to define what the Core Values mean in the everyday practices of Student Affairs professionals at CSUF. For example, what does it mean for a Student Affairs professional at CSUF to be student-centered in their everyday practices?
- Create incentives and recognition programs for staff, faculty and departments whose efforts contribute to positively impact retention, graduation rates, implement the Core Values, and progress of the Division and University Strategic Plan. High performing individuals will be recognized at the all Division meetings and publications.