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OER Implementation at Cal State Fullerton 

In a CSUF survey completed by 9,697 students during Fall 2016, only 28% reported buying all of their required textbook/instructional materials every semester. Of those surveyed, 82% said the reason why they did not buy or rent required course materials was that they were too expensive. The California State University is committed to seeking new ways to provide equitable access to free or low-cost learning materials and remove financial barriers to student success as part of the CSU’s  Graduation Initiative 2025.


At California State University, Fullerton, we are seeing a significant increase in the adoption of Open Educational Resources (OER) among faculty members, in addition to other no-cost course material options (e.g., library materials). Courses that have Zero-Cost Course Materials (ZCCM) are marked in the schedule with a special symbol so students can easily identify them.

Open book with a dollar sign cross out

ZCCM logo



Faculty using Open Educational Resources (OER) facilitate the university's commitment to providing equitable access to opportunities and resources necessary for student success.

OER related Articles and Books

Adoption Finder, a list of open textbooks used in post secondary courses by BCcampus

Models for Sustainable OER by Stephen Downer, National Research Council Canada

Fixing the Broken Textbook Market by Cailyn Nagle and Kaitlyn Vitez, U.S. PIRG Education Fund

College tuition and fees increase 63 percent since January 2006  by Bureau of Labor Stadistics

Open:  The Philosophy and Practices that are Revolutionizing Education and Science , edited by Rajiv S. Jhangiani and Robert Biswas-Diener. A collection of articles related to OER

A Basic Guide to Open Educational Resources prepared by Neil Butcher for the Commonwealth of Learning and UNESCO

7 Things You Should Know About OER by Educause

Adopting Open Educational Resources in the Classroom by LUMEN learning

OER Research Guidebook by John Hilton III, David Wiley, Lane Fischer, and Rob Nyland

Where Are All the Faculty in the Open Education Movement? by Jasmine Roberts

How Textbook Rentals Undercut Students by Sheila Liming

Ten Facts About Open Educational Resources (OER) by Contact North, Government of Ontario

For more information about the OER Program and OER initiatives at Cal State Fullerton, please contact
Dr. Shelli Wynants, Quality Online Inclusive Learning Design Coordinator, or Michaela Keating, OER Librarian.