Student Spotlights

Holly Suther

photo of Holly Suther at poster presentation


Biological Science

Expected Graduation Date:

Fall 2019

" Holly never lets anything bring her down! She has a positive, radiant personality and always has a smile. She is a pleasure to have in the CSUF Fish Reproductive Physiology Lab! "

-Dr. Kristy Forsgren



Question: Please describe your specific area of research.

Holly: I'm currently conducting research on the comparative morphology of rockfish urogenital papilla in the Fish Reproductive Physiology lab under the mentoring of Dr. Kristy Forsgren. My project seeks to gain understanding in the morphology of rockfish reproductive structures and investigates if the urogenital papilla can be used as a visual identifier to distinguish rockfish by sex, a tool that is incredibly useful for management agencies.

Question: When and how did you first get involved in research?

Holly:  I first experienced research when I became a scholar in the Southern California Ecosystems Research Program (SCERP). Before SCERP, I had no experience with conducting or designing experiments and I had limited knowledge about biological systems, but the program and mentors welcomed me and encouraged me to use my unique perspective to enhance the different projects we were overseeing. After the summer research experience, where our small cohort of 6 undergraduates constructed three week-long research projects in different ecosystems, I was supported in pursuing my own independent research. I interviewed faculty and ultimately felt most interested in the research being conducted in Dr.Kristy Forsgren's Fish Reproductive Physiology Lab.

Question: What are your future career plans? 

Holly:  After I graduate, I am interested in pursuing a Ph.D. program that allows me to investigate the impacts of climate change on marine organisms. Long-term, I want to become a professor at a university where I can both conduct research and teach students. Being in SCERP made me realize how much I enjoy participating in research and working towards answering scientific questions relevant to my interests. As an SI leader, I am able to share my knowledge with other students and facilitate collaborative learning which has sparked my interest in teaching as a career. I think that a career that allows me to incorporate both of my passions will allow me to feel most fulfilled.

Melissa Wong

Photo of Melissa Wong


Applied Mathematics

Expected Graduation Date: 

May 2019

"Melissa is an inspiring mathematician who is a role model for her peers and the younger generation of STEM students."

-Dr. Roberto Soto



Qutestion: What has been your favorite experience at CSUF?

Melissa:  Sonia Kovalevsky Day has been the highlight of my undergraduate experience. I wanted to bring this event to Cal State Fullerton because of the strong support from my professors and peers; the inviting atmosphere within the NSM community inspired me to provide an opportunity for middle school and high school students that empowers women and increases diversity in the mathematical sciences!

Question: What advice would you give current students?

Melissa:   Put yourself out there and always say yes to new opportunities and new friends! When my classmates turned into friends, I found that school was much less stressful and much more fun with their support. Immerse yourself in the community around you, teamwork makes the dream work!

Question: If you could thank anyone on campus, who would you thank and why?

Melissa:  I would like to thank Dr. Roberto Soto for being an incredible mentor; without his constant encouragement and support, my mathematical trajectory would be different. Dr. Soto's passion and dedication to teaching goes beyond the classroom. For the last two and half years, Dr. Soto has challenged me to reach further than I thought possible and has played a major role in my growth as a student. For this, I am indebted to him and I hope that I can pay it forward.