Chemistry and Biochemistry Department Highlights

The "Periodic News" 

 The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry recently issued its Newsletter (Volume 2), now called "Periodic News."PDF File

photo of Chemistry Department's Periodic News



Alumni Night 

collage of chemistry department's alumni night

On October 19, the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry had its annual Alumni Night at Bootlegger's Brewery in Fullerton. More than 80 people showed up for a night full of food, drinks and updates. This Alumni Night was another great success and plans for the 2019 edition (to be held on October 25) are underway.



Photo of three Chemistry and Biochemistry graduate students. Their research was published in a journal.

Chemistry and Biochemistry Master’s Students Mark Burton and Yihua (Ray) Ma (right), Alumna Undergraduate Chidnma Abanobi (left), and Kate Tzu-Chi Wang Harris (middle) published their research on the molecular evolution of bacterial dihydrofolate and dihydromethanopterin reductases in the peer-reviewed journal Frontiers in Microbiology.

2019 CSUPERB Annual Symposium

Group of CSUF students at 2019 CSUPERB Annual SymposiumAllison Serrano (second from right) gave an outstanding lightning talk presentation on “Nanoscale design Using DNA Techniques” at the 2019 CSUPERB Annual Symposium in Garden Grove, CA. 


A cross-disciplinary team presenting at 2019 CSUPERB Symposium   A cross-disciplinary team of Mechanical Engineering, Biological Sciences, and               Biochemistry researchers represented laboratories of Nina Robson and Madeline Rasche at the 2019 CSUPERB Symposium.  Sophomores Axel Alvarez-Loya (Mechanical Engineering), Samuel Fayard (Foothill Community College), Allison Serrano (Biological Sciences).
CSUF student Daniel Arroyo presenting research.       Senior Biology major Daniel Arroyo representing the Rasche and Robson Laboratories in         a poster at the 2019 CSUPERB Symposium.
Graduate student Edwin Aguilar presenting his poster.    Chemistry and Biochemistry graduate student Edwin Aguilar of the Rasche Laboratory                presented his work in a poster at the 2019 CSUPERB Symposium