Biological Science Department Highlights

Alison Cover Receives Lifetime Fellowship

Photo of Alison Cover presenting her research

 Alison Cover presenting her research at the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Meeting on February 14-17, 2019 in Washington, D.C.
Photo Credit: Maria Cover


Alison Cover, presented her research entitled, "A preliminary investigation: vascularization of male blue rockfish (Sebastes mystinus) urinary bladders, conducted in Dr. Kristy Forsgren's Fish Reproductive Biology Lab at the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) annual meeting in Washington D.C. in February. She was also awarded with a lifetime fellowship with full honors for outstanding achievement at the national level in scientific research and leadership by the American Junior Academy of Science.


CSUF student presenting research poster                    Jacob Javier presents his posted detailing his independent research with Dr. Paig-Tran.

 *CSUF Undergraduate Students

**CSUF Graduate Students

***Ph.D. students

    • Four undergraduates from the Southern California Ecosystems Research Program (SCERP) attended the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology annual meeting in Tampa Florida, Jan 3-7. The students attended talks, perused posters and met with scientists from around the country. Andrew Jaramillo and Jacob Javier presented posters detailing the results of their CSUF research.

      • JARAMILLO, AM*; KOVAL, MK; RODRIGUEZ, KM; SANCHEZ, AM; DUNN, SR; DER, JP; BURNAFORD, JL. Stayin’ Alive? Assessing the ability of an intertidal seaweed to recover from repeated exposure to desiccation and high temperatures during low tide
      • JAVIER, JP*; PAIG-TRAN, EWM Filtration Along a Reticulated Mesh, Anatomy Predicts Feeding Ecology in Neonatal Whale Sharks, Rhincodon typus

Another CSUF student presenting research at SCERP

 Andrew Jaramillo presented a poster detailing the results of a group research project conducted by SCERP scholars in summer 2018 under the mentorship of Dr. Burnaford.


Group of CSUF students that attended SCERP

CSUF Biology students Jacob Javier, Andrew Jaramillo, Shannon Chou, Kimi Koval, and Andrew Lowe met with Dr. Vikram lyengar from Villanova University at the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology meeting in Tampa, Florida. 
Student Brittany Cook presenting her research.
                                   Brittany Cook presents her research at CSUPERB 2019.
  • Southern California Ecosystems Research Program (SCERP) Scholar Brittany Cook presented a poster at the January CSUPERB 2019 CSU Biotechnology Symposium in Garden Grove:
    • B. Cook, MC Simenc, H Hargarten, L. Honaas, and JP Der (2019, January) Enhancing reference genomes for cross-cultivar functional genomics in apples.


** CSUF grad students  

  • Monson, C., Forsgren, K.L., Goetz, G., Harding, L., Swanson, P., Young, G. 2018. A teleost androgen promotes development of primary ovarian follicles in coho salmon and rapidly alters the ovarian transcriptme. Biology of Reproduction 97: 731-745.
  • Perkins, Kimberlie S., David M. Miller, Darren R. Sandquist, Miguel Macias**, and Aimee Roach**. 2018. Ecohydrologic Changes caused by hydrologic disconnection of ephemeral stream channels in Mojave National Preserve, California. Vadose Zone J. 17:180022. doi:10.2136/vzj2018.01.0022

Congratulations Dr. Schenk! 

This is the logo for NPIMPE

Dr. H. Jochen Schenk received a $14,976 supplement from the National Science Foundation to his current grant "RUI: Apoplastic lipids in xylem vascular plants: Composition, locations, origins, and possible functions (2018-2021)", which will enable five scientists from the US to participate in an international, interdisciplinary workshop at Ulm Universy in Germany from April 3-5, 2019, entitled "Negative pressure in multiphase environments". This will be the first scientific meeting ever to be devoted to this subject.  Attendees from CSUF will include Jochen Schenk, who is co-organizer of the workshop together with Steven Jansen of Ulm University,  Kerri Mocko (Biological Science) Wylie Ahmed (Physics), and Nicholas Brubaker (Mathematics).