Mathematics Department Highlights

alumna isabel Serrano

 Isbael introduces speaker at math conference

Isabel Serrano introducing Dr. Youssef Chahine from UC Santa Barbara.

CSUF President Scholar and alumna Isabel Serrano (Class of 2018), who is currently a doctoral student at UC Berkeley, served as co-organizer of an American Mathematical Society Special Session. 


  • Druken, B.K. & Marzocchi, A. S. (2017, November). "When lesson study researchers become lesson study participants: Unpacking reform-based fraction standards." Poster presented at the Eleventh Annual Meeting of the World Association of Lesson Studies (WALS), Nagoya, Japan.
  • Druken, B.K. & Marzocchi, A.S. (2019, April). "Using Co-teaching Strategies to Teach Integers Meaningfully with Models and Contexts." Presentation to be conducted at the 97th annual meeting of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, San Diego, CA.
  • Druken, B.K. & Li**, A. (2018, November). "Exploring area, length, and multiplicative relationships." Presentation to be conducted at the 2018 California Mathematics Council South 59th Annual Mathematics Conference, Palm Springs, CA.


jasmine camero


Student Jasmine Camero presenting her research at a conference.

Undergraduate student Jasmine Camero presented her work titled "A Ladder of Curvatures in the Geometry of Surfaces and a Curvature Invariant Inspired by Euler's InequalityPDF File ," on   Saturday, Oct. 27th  at the American Mathematical Society Fall Western Sectional Meeting, which took place at San Francisco State University. Part of her presentation is based on her work (mentored by Dr. N. Brubaker and Dr. B.D. Suceavă) for which she was already presented with an MAA Undergraduate Poster Award at the MAA Southern California Nevada Meeting in Spring 2018.


  • Bonsangue, Marty, Drew, David, and Malinda Gilmore, Fall 2018. "The Impact of a Supportive Community Experience on African-American Students in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering." The Learning Assistance Review, 23(2), 9-40.
  • Bonsangue, Marty. "Very Lucky Larry," p.64, and his daughter, Dr. Jennifer Clinkenbeard, "Achievement in Flipped College Algebra and Precalculus: A Multiyear Study," MathAMATYC Educator, 10(1) September 2018: pp. 5-11.
  • Druken, B.K., Andaya*, J., & Nguyen*, S. (2018). "Activities towards teaching mathematics for social justice." California ComMuniCator, 42(3), 17-20.
  • Druken, B.K. (2017). "Three activities for growing new mindsets in mathematics." California ComMuniCator, 42(1), 16-19.
  • Druken, B. and Frazin**, S. (2018). "Modeling with math trails." Ohio Journal of School Mathematics, 79, p. 43-53.
  • Hawthorne, C. & Druken, B.K. (accepted). "Looking for and using structural reasoning." Mathematics Teacher.
  • Marzocchi, A.S., Turner*, K., & Druken, B.K. (accepted). "Using graph talks to engage undergraduates in conversations around social justice." Problems, Resources, and Issues in Mathematics Undergraduate Studies.
  • The very active geometry group at CSUF has a new paper published in the  International Electronic Journal of Geometry  (available for access on October 22, 2018). The work is titled ' A Ladder of Curvatures in the Geometry of SurfacesPDF File ' and it is written by Nicholas D. Brubaker, Jasmine Camero, Oscar Rocha Rocha and Bogdan D. Suceavă. The authors describe their motivation as follows: "Many investigations in the local differential geometry of surfaces focused on Gaussian curvature and  mean  curvature.  Besides  these  classical  curvature  invariants,  are  there  any  other  geometric quantities  that  deserve  to  be  investigated?" This research group's previous work was published last summer in Forum Geometricorum; it was the paper ' A Curvature Invariant Inspired by Leonhard Euler's Inequality R ≥ 2r ', by Nicholas D. Brubaker, Jasmine Camero, Oscar Rocha Rocha, Roberto Soto, and Bogdan D. Suceavă. 
  • In MathSciNet, the database of the American Mathematical Society, there was recently published the review #MR3814620, written by Róbert Oláh-Gál, about the paper titled 'A geometric interpretation of curvature inequalities on hypersurfaces via Ravi substitutions in the Euclidean plane', by Dr. Bogdan D. Suceavă, originally published in Springer Nature's journal Mathematical Intelligencer 40 (2018), no. 2, 50-54. The review reads: "Curvature is one of the most important invariants in geometry. The deepest understanding of the curvature leads to the most fundamental structure of nature. This essay also presents some very basic, elemental and deep philosophical and historical connections between curvature and facts known from elementary geometry. The thesis and the results of this article will be translated into modern differential geometry textbooks over the coming years. Many people have already tried to interpret curvature along these lines [...] but perhaps Suceavă gets the most out of it."