Program Benefits & Services 

The McNair Scholars Program provides year-round services and activities to prepare Scholars for acceptance into quality graduate programs of their choice.


The McNair Thesis

Each McNair Scholar completes a rigorous research project under the guidance of a faculty mentor. Scholars work with their faculty mentors to determine a research topic and design a project. The McNair Thesis provides Scholars with the opportunity to develop the knowledge and skills necessary to engage in scholarly research. Following completion of their theses, Scholars and their faculty mentors prepare their research for publication and/or presentation at regional and national conferences. These research experiences provide crucial preparation for success at the doctoral level.

Scholars receive a $2800 stipend for successful completion of their McNair theses.

Summer Research Opportunity Programs

Following completion of their first year in the Program, each McNair Scholar participates in a summer research opportunity program (SROP) at another university / college. SROPs can be found at research intensive, doctoral granting institutions throughout the country, and McNair Scholars Program staff will assist Scholars with the application process. SROPs provide Scholars the opportunity to undertake research projects, receive mentorship from doctoral students and faculty, present their research at symposia, and participate in workshops on a variety of topics, including GRE preparation and writing a strong statement of purpose.

Individual Advisement

Each McNair Scholar participates in one-on-one weekly or bi-weekly advisement sessions with the McNair Scholars Program Assistant Director. Advisement sessions focus on a variety of topics, including Scholars' progress in their current classes, progress on the McNair thesis, and graduate school applications. When needed, the Assistant Director may refer McNair Scholars to other campus offices or organizations.

Workshops and Seminars

Throughout the year, the McNair Scholars Program offers numerous workshops and seminars on a variety of topics, including graduate school pathways, networking, communicating with faculty, presenting at conferences, research methods and ethics, study skills, writing a strong statement of purpose, and how to write a CV. These workshops and seminars provide Scholars with the opportunity to develop the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in their classes and research. In addition, they also provide Scholars with the tools to be successful in the graduate school application process.


Each McNair Scholar has the opportunity to receive funding to attend and present his/her McNair Thesis at a regional or national conference.