- Hawthorne, C.W. & Druken, B.K. (2022, February). Do Fraction Diagrams on Standardized Tests Assess Deep Understanding? Presentation conducted at the Symposium at the 25th Annual Conference of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators, Las Vegas, NV.
- Druken, B.K. & Marzocchi, A.S. (2019, April). Using co-teaching strategies to teach integers meaningfully with models and contexts. Presentation conducted at the 97th Annual Conference of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, San Diego, CA.
- Marzocchi, A. S., Druken, B.K., Thanheiser, E., Strand, K., & Hawthorne, C. (2018, February). Family math night projects for future elementary teachers in content courses: What, how, and why. Symposium at the 22nd Annual Conference of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators, Houston, TX.
- Marzocchi, A.S., Druken, B.K., & Brye, M.V. (2017, April). Using manipulatives to deepen understanding of CCSS fraction progressions. Presentation conducted at the 95th Annual Conference of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, San Antonio, Texas.
- Druken, B.K. & Soto, R. (2017, April). Unleash the mathematician within: Crafting rich and interesting problems. Presentation conducted at the 95th annual meeting of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, San Antonio, Texas.
- Druken, B.K., Marzocchi, A.S., & Brye, M.V. (2017, February). Using lesson study as a tool for collaboration between mathematics content and methods faculty. Presentation conducted at the 21st annual meeting of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators, Orlando, Florida.
- Druken. B.K. (2016, April). Sustaining lesson study: Mathematics teachers’ conceptions of lesson study. Presentation conducted at the Annual Research Pre-session Meeting of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, San Francisco, California.
- Druken, B.K., & Nickerson, S.N. (2015, February). Conceptualizing sustainability and factors that support teachers continuing lesson study after infusion of external resources. Presentation conducted at the 19th Annual Conference of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators, Orlando, Florida.
- Fredenberg, M., Druken, B.K., & Nickerson, S. (2013, April). Evolution of educational objects in lesson study. Poster at the Annual Research Pre-session Meeting of National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Denver, CO.
- Nickerson, S., Gruver, J. & Druken, B.K. (2012, February). Developing TPACK in prospective middle school mathematics teachers. Presentation conducted at the 16th Annual Conference of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators, Fort Worth, TX.
Contact Information
Office: MH 380C
Phone: (657) 278-2547
Email: bdruken@fullerton.edu
Department Address
California State University, Fullerton
McCarthy Hall 154
800 N. State College Blvd.
Fullerton, CA 92831
Bridget K. Druken
Associate Professor
Dr. Bridget Druken (she/they) is a mathematics educator with research interests in mathematics lesson study, university mathematics collaborations, and preparing future PK-16 teachers of mathematics. At CSU Fullerton, Druken teaches future elementary, middle school, high school, and community college teachers of mathematics in the Department of Mathematics. Druken also coordinates the mathematics content courses for elementary teachers Math 303A/B.
The American Mathematics Society awarded CSUF Department of Mathematics in their 2022 Mathematics Programs that Make a Difference Award for mentoring and outreach. Read about our award-winning department here.
PhD, Mathematics and Science Education, San Diego State University & University of California, San Diego
MA, Mathematics, San Diego State University
BS, Mathematics, minor Women's Studies, University of Rhode Island
Research Areas
mathematics education, data science education, mathematical knowledge for teaching, preservice teacher preparation, professional development, lesson study
Courses Regularly Taught
- Math 110: Mathematics for Liberal Arts Students
- Math 303A: Fundamental Mathematics for the Elementary Teacher - Number and Operations and Problem Solving
- Math 303B: Fundamental Mathematics for the Elementary Teacher - Statistics, Probability, and Geometry
- Math 403B: Fundamental Mathematics for the Middle School Teacher - Statistics, Probability, Geometry
- Math 401: Algebra and Probability for the Secondary Teacher
- Math 582: High School Algebra from the Advanced Perspective
- Math 583: Introductory Statistics from the Advanced Perspective
- Negrelli**, M., Ortiz**, M., & Druken, B.K. (2023). Bridging math content and teaching through pre-service undergraduate apprenticeship. Ohio Journal of School Mathematics, 93(1), 48-57. https://library.osu.edu/ojs/index.php/OJSM/article/view/9379
- Druken, B.K. (2023). Practicing teachers’ perspectives on the purposes of mathematics lesson study. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education and Development, 25(1), 1-22. https://mted.merga.net.au/index.php/mted/article/view/649
- Marzocchi, A.S., Druken, B.K., & Brye, M.V. (2021). Careful co-planning for effective team teaching in mathematics. International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education, 16(3), em0663. https://doi.org/10.29333/iejme/11299.
- Druken, B.K. (2021). Review of Mathematical Understanding for Secondary Teaching: A Framework and Classroom-based Situations by Heid, Wilson, & Blume. The Mathematics Educator, 30(1), 71-81. https://openjournals.libs.uga.edu/tme/article/view/2145
Druken, B.K. (2021). Four tasks to catalyze change: Perimeter, area, surface area, and volume. California ComMuniCator, (45)3, 25-31. Druken (2021a) Available Here
- Druken, B.K., Marzocchi, A.S., & Brye, M.V. (2020). Facilitating collaboration between mathematics methods and content faculty through cross-departmental lesson study. International Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJLLS-06-2020-0033
- Druken, B.K. & Marzocchi, A.S. (2019). Strings, Bears, & Boards: Making Fractions Meaning-filled. The Ohio Journal of School Mathematics. https://library.osu.edu/ojs/index.php/OJSM/article/view/7209
- Hawthorne, C. & Druken, B.K. (2019). Looking for and using structural reasoning. Mathematics Teacher, 112(4), 294-301. https://www.nctm.org/Publications/Mathematics-Teacher/2019/Vol112/Issue4/Looking-For-and-Using-Structural-Reasoning/
- Druken, B. and Frazin**, S. (2018). Modeling with math trails. Ohio Journal of School Mathematics, 79, 43–53. https://library.osu.edu/ojs/index.php/OJSM/article/view/6282
Druken, B.K., Andaya***, J., & Nguyen***, S. (2018). Activities towards teaching mathematics for social justice. California ComMuniCator, 42(3), 17–20. Druken, Andaya & Nguyen (2018) Available Here
- Marzocchi, A.S., Turner***, K., & Druken, B.K. (2018). Using graph talks to engage undergraduates in conversations around social justice. Problems, Resources, and Issues in Mathematics Undergraduate Studies. https://doi.org/10.1080/10511970.2018.1456499
Druken, B.K. (2017). Three activities for growing new mindsets in mathematics. California ComMuniCator, 42(1), 16–19. Druken (2017) Available Here
Druken, B.K. (2015). Social capital, social networks, and lesson study: Sustaining mathematics lesson study practices. In Bartell, T.G., Bieda, K.N., Putnam, R.T., Bradfield, K., & Dominguez, H. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 37th Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (p. 663–670), East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University. Druken (2015) Available here.
- Nickerson, S.D., Fredenberg, M., & Druken, B.K. (2014). Hybrid lesson study: Extending lesson study on-line. International Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies, 3(2), 152–169. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJLLS-06-2013-0037
- Druken, B. K., Fredenberg, M., & Nickerson, S. D. (2012). Hybrid lesson study: Added value of online collaboration. In L. R. Van Zoest, J.-J. Lo, J. L. Kratky (Eds.), Proceedings of the 34th Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (p. 1194), Kalamazoo, MI: Western Michigan University. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJLLS-06-2013-0037
- Lobato, J., Orrill, C., Druken, B., & Jacobson, E. (2011, April). Middle school teachers' knowledge of proportional reasoning for teaching. In J. Lobato (Chair), Extending, expanding, and applying the construct of mathematical knowledge for teaching. Symposium conducted at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA. http://www.aera.net/repository
* undergraduate student
** graduate/credential student
*** part-time faculty/full-time K-12 teacher
Presentations & Lectures
International Conference Presentations
- Marzocchi, A. S. & Druken, B. K. (2019, September). Uniting middle school and university algebra instructors through lesson study. Presented at the Thirteenth Annual Conference of the World Association of Lesson Studies (WALS), Amsterdam, Netherlands.
- Druken, B.K. & Marzocchi, A. S. (2017, November). When lesson study researchers become lesson study participants: Unpacking reform-based fraction standards. Poster presented at the Eleventh Annual Conference of the World Association of Lesson Studies (WALS), Nagoya, Japan.
- Druken, B.K. (2016, September). Mathematics teachers’ conceptions on purpose of lesson study. Poster presented at the Tenth Annual Conference of the World Association of Lesson Studies (WALS), Exeter, United Kingdom.
- Druken, B.K. (2014, November). Conceptualizing sustainability with lesson study in U.S. after grant ends. Presentation at the Annual Conference of the World Association of Lesson Studies, Bandung, Indonesia.
- Nickerson, S., Druken, B.K., & Fredenberg, M. (2013, September). Examining teacher roles during planning and debriefing sessions of lesson study in US mathematics teacher professional development. Presentation at the Annual Conference of the World Association of Lesson Studies (WALS), Gothenburg, Sweden.
National Conference Presentations
Regional Conference Presentations
- Druken, B.K.& Martinez**, P. (2020, November). Ways charts & graphs can mislead (& how to improve them). Presentation conducted virtually at the 2020 California Mathematics Council South 61st Annual Mathematics Conference, Palm Springs, CA.
- Druken, B.K., & Mosier**, T. (2019, November). More beauty than beast: Fraction division! Presentation conducted at the 2019 California Mathematics Council South 60th Annual Mathematics Conference, Palm Springs, CA.
- Druken, B.K. & Li**, A. (2018, November). Exploring area, length, and multiplicative relationships. Presentation conducted at the 2018 California Mathematics Council South 59th Annual Mathematics Conference, Palm Springs, CA.
- Marzocchi, A. S., Druken, B.K., & Brye, M.V. (2017, October). Navigating Symmetry: On a quest for reflections & rotations. Presentation conducted at the 2017 California Mathematics Council South 58th Annual Mathematics Conference, Palm Springs, CA.
- Druken, B.K., & Turner***, K. (2017, October). Navigating social issues and statistics with graph talk routines. Presentation conducted at the California Mathematics Council South 58th Annual Mathematics Conference, Palm Springs, CA.
Druken, B.K., Marzocchi, A.S., & Brye, M.V. (2016, November). Station teaching in action: Unpacking meaning of fraction. Presentation conducted at the 57th annual California Mathematics Council – South, Palm Springs, CA.
Community Presentations
- Druken, B.K. (Spring 2023). Crochet 4 beginners: The mathematical & peaceful ways of working w/ fibers crochet edition! Facilitated three workshops in the Department of Mathematics, CSUF for students, faculty, and staff interested in learning history of and skills in crochet. Fullerton, CA.
Grants & Special Projects
Project Infusing Data Science Education into Elementary Mathematics (IDEEM) $75,000. January 2024 – December 2025. Bridget Druken (PI), Cherie Ichinose (Co-PI), Jessica Jaynes (Co-PI), and Mallika Scott (Co-PI).
Details: Provides support to 50 local TK-5 teachers interested in infusing data science concepts into their elementary curricula.
Land Acknowledgement
Our institution sits on the traditional territory of the Kizh.
We thank them for our continued use of the natural resources on their ancestral homelands and for being able to learn and teach on these lands.
Read more here: https://gabr ielenoindians.org/ .