Resources & Services
The Latinx Community Resource Center strives to provide students with the resources and training needed to become a successful student at California State University, Fullerton. There are a list of student organizations that we find may be useful for undergraduates, graduates, staff, and faculty.
STUDENT ORganizations
One of the ways the Chicana/o Resource Center provides students networking and leadership opportunities is by connecting students with the many organizations affiliated with the resource center. Below is a list of student organizations, as well as sororities and fraternities dedicated to the Latinx student experience at CSUF.
Ballet Folklorico de CSUF
Ballet Folklorico de CSUF was founded in Spring of 2007. Led under the driven passion of two CSUF students: Christopher Sandoval and Michaela Kimball, the vision was to form an organization of CSUF students willing to learn and share their knowledge of Ballet Folklorico in a campus setting.
Since 2007, the group has grown to more than 50 dedicated members! Every member comes with a different level of experience and background. Ballet Folklorico de Cal State University, Fullerton is a social and cultural blend of a dance troupe and a college organization. While getting the opportunity to learn traditional and interpretive dances of Mexican folklore at a very low cost, there are also volunteer opportunities, fundraisers, social events, and many amazing people to meet. Ballet Folklorico is also a great way to gain networking opportunities, and to maintain physical shape through exercise.
Central Americans For Empowerment
Central Americans For Empowerment (C.A.F.E.) came to be after it’s starting members realized at a Central American Social, held by the Chicano/a Resource Center, that there needed to be a safe and inclusive space for the communities voices and opinions to be heard.
With that, C.A.F.E. sets out to make this a reality and conducted a meeting as to figure out what our purpose would be on campus, and how we could better support other students on campus.
Diversity Resilience Education Access Movement Co-Operation (DREAM Co-Op)
The purpose of Diversity Resilience Education Access movement Co-Operation (DREAM Co-Op) is to bring awareness to the larger community and first generation college students about AB540, California Dream Act, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, and any changes pertaining to immigration legislation. DREAM Co-Op facilitates information about financial aid resources for AB540, undocumented, immigrations, and first-generation students, such as available scholarships, job opportunities, and internships. They also provide self-empowerment to its members through moral support, mentorship, and unity.
DREAM Co-Op fundraises to provide oppotunities for the advancement of its members and advocates on issues relating to the members within the community.
Hermanas Unidas
Hermanas Unidas (HaU) was recognized in December 2003 as a Latina-based non-profit organization that strives for “Poder de la Mujer”; both as individual women and as an state-wide organization. The motto symbolizes the strength and will of each and every Hermana in their quest for higher education, the empowerment of their families and communities, as well as equality in education, the workplace and the rest of society.
HaU provides this opportunity to our members by consisting of three pillars, which include community service, academics and social networking.
Hermanos Unidos de CSUF
Hermanos Unidos (HU) is a non-profit organization that focuses on increasing the retention, and graduation rates of Latino males at the university level. Through the academic excellence pillar, HU helps provide one another with an exceptional academic support environment.
HU provides opportunity to its members through consistency of three pillars. Through the community service pillar, HU c reates a strong unified system of community service that will make the community a better place. Through the s ocial networking pillar, HU provides opportunities for social interaction and networking opportunities with peers. HU creates an avenue for Latinos to give back to their community, as well as provide preperation for the professional world.
Latino Business Student Association
The Latino Business Student Association (LBSA) is a student led organization at Mihaylo College of Business and Economics of CSUF where we work to create future business leaders, through professional and social networking.
Whether you’re a student looking to get involved or a business professional looking for student leaders, you need an organization that helps you connect to the community so you can establish rapport at the grassroots level. LBSA's goal is to develop diverse leaders who conscientiously care about the community and the triple bottom line.
Latinos in Science and Engineering -
MAES was founded in Los Angeles in 1974 to increase the number of Mexican Americans and other Hispanics in the technical and scientific fields. The idea to establish a professional society for Mexican American engineers originated with Robert Von Hatten, an aerospace electronics engineer with TRW Defense Space Systems in Redondo Beach, California. Mr. Von Hatten had for several years served as volunteer for programs directed at combating the alarming number of high school dropouts. He envisioned a national organization that would serve as a source for role models, address of the needs of its members, and become a resource for industry and students.
Latinx Student Psychological Association
The Latinx Student Psychological Association (LSPA) exists to advocate, educate, and empower the Latinx community to realize their full potential in the field of psychology. The objective of LSPA is to guide members to become qualified candidates for graduate school through the implementation of the five pillars: Academics, Leadership, Research Experience, Practical Experience, and Community involvement.
LSPA's goals include reaching out to the underrepresented Latinx community, academics, community service, networking, and socializing.
Movimiento Estudiantil Chicanx de Aztlan (M.E.Ch.A)
Movimiento Estudiantil Chicanx de Aztlán (M.E.Ch.A.) is a student organization that promotes culture, history, and encourages students to p ursue higher education.
M.E.Ch.A. was founded on the principles of self determination for the liberation of our members and respective communities. We believe that political involvement and education is the avenue for change in our society. M.E.Ch.A. continues to be an organization that seeks to open the doors of higher education for our communities and hold positions in power accountable for their roles within our communities and strive to reject imperialism, racism, sexism, and homophobia.
Latino pan-hellenic council
Lambda Theta Phi Latin Fraternity, Inc.
The purpose of Lambda Theta Phi Latin Fraternity Inc. is to to promote and practice unity, respect among all cultures and creeds, to promote brotherhood, to maintain a high standard of learning, to develop character, and to practice chivalry while upholding dignity and self-identity. To assert positive leadership while serving as positive role models. Lambda Theta Phi strives to serve as a source of support for students and professionals, while promoting Latino unity.
Sigma Lambda Beta International Fraternity, Inc.
During the fall of 1985, Baltazar Mendoza-Madrigal began to explore the idea of establishing a Latino-based fraternity at the University of Iowa. Having seen the impact organizations like Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity had on their constituency, Mendoza-Madrigal knew something similar could be done for the Latino interest. Without knowing the impact he would have almost 30 years down the road, Baltazar starting doing research on this possibility.
After 30 years, our Fraternity has grown to over 100 collegiate entities spanning across 29 states from Coast to Coast. Moreover, Sigma Lambda Beta membership has expanded beyond our Hispanic-Latino origins making us one of the most culturally diverse Greek lettered organizations. A detailed history of the fraternity was written in out of the Iowa Cornfields.