Campus Rollout Equipment
Rollout equipment is state-funded computer equipment designated for specific employees by their employment contract with CSUF.
Rollout laptops are refreshed periodically. A client with qualifying equipment will be notified via email once they are eligible for an upgrade.
Note: All IT rollout devices (make & model) are subject to change, based on availability. Each qualified employee, depending on their role, is issued only one rollout device, per item type (monitor, laptop, iPad. etc.). If an additional device is needed, then the department will need to purchase that item.
Who Qualifies for Equipment
- FacultyFull-time Faculty are qualified for a laptop and an iPad (Wi-Fi only)
- Part-time Faculty teaching 6 units or more are qualified for a laptop only
- Part-time Faculty teaching less than 6 units can request loaner laptops
- MPPs are qualified for a Laptop and an iPad (Wi-Fi only)
- Full-time and Part-time Staff are qualified for a Laptop only
- Temporary hires, consultants, and retired annuitants only qualify under special circumstances
Who can Request Equipment
The Department IT Coordinator (DITC) is responsible for submitting equipment requests for eligible employees based on their role.
Part-time faculty, teaching less than 6 units or temp staff can submit a loaner request:
Part-time Faculty/Temp Staff Loaner Laptop Request
Faculty/Staff can request the following Accessories: Webcam / Headset/ USB Adapter/ Voice Amplifier | (One Per user)
Standard Campus Rollout Equipment
Each qualified employee is issued one each:
- Laptop (PC/Mac)
- Montior
- Wired keyboard & mouse
- Docking station
- iPad*
*Depending on the role of the employee.
Reporting Lost/Stolen/Broken Equipment
What should I do?
Contact the IT Helpdesk immediately by calling (657) 278-7777.
Additionally, if your device is lost or stolen we ask that you fill out the lost/stolen form on the IT Asset Management
page and file a police report in the event of a theft.
Who pays for the loss?
As indicated in Section I of the the end user protocol form that is signed by all users issued an IT device:
It is the faculty/staff member’s responsibility to take appropriate precautions to prevent damage to or loss/theft of his or her iPad/laptop. CSUF/IT will not repair or replace this iPad/laptop unless the cost of repair/replacement is paid by either the Department or the individual user.