Tournament History
In 1988, Dr. Silas Abrego, former CSUF Vice President for Student Affairs and Trustee of California State University Board of Trustees, brought together some leaders in the community because he saw a need to raise scholarship funds for underrepresented Hispanic students. This decision led to the first Cal State Fullerton Hispanic Scholarship Golf Tournament led by a group of committed volunteers. The first tournament was attended by 79 players and raised $24,000. Today, the tournament regularly sells out and raises more than $150,000 annually in support of Hispanic student scholarships. The committee has grown to include additional enthusiastic members, ranging from individuals with small local businesses to large international corporations. But they all share in their passion for education and a commitment to raising scholarship funds for the Abrego Future Scholars.
In addition to receiving scholarships, the students of the Abrego Future Scholars also receive retention services. Through the network of resources at Cal State Fullerton, the Abrego Future Scholars are also provided with key academic, development, and social programs that are specifically designed to ensure their successful matriculation through college and on to graduation. Offering personalized, out of classroom, structured activities in three key areas — mentoring, advising, and leadership development — the Abrego Future Scholars program enhances students’ college participation and leadership skills.
At Cal State Fullerton, we are proud of our record of graduating Hispanic students (1st in California and 2nd in the nation), but we also acknowledge that much more work remains. Hispanics are the nation’s largest and fastest-growing ethnic group and through Cal State Fullerton’s Hispanic Scholarship Golf Tournament we can ensure that students have the financial assistance to reach the goal of a college degree.