Chiropractors are primary care professionals and play a vital, life-changing role. Chiropractic relieves pain, increases mobility and optimizes performance through safe and effective spinal adjustments and manipulation. Doctors of Chiropractic work one-on-one with patients, helping them improve their overall health and find relief from headaches, back, neck and joint pain, without reliance on drugs or surgery.
Chiropractors often care for entire families and develop close relationships over time, which makes chiropractic a deeply fulfilling profession. Whether in business for themselves or working in a group practice or hospital setting, chiropractors enjoy high esteem in the communities they serve, as well as satisfying and financially secure lifestyles. To be a chiropractor is to make a true difference every day, helping patients improve their health and quality of life naturally.
Prospective Students
**Disclaimer: CSU Fullerton does not have an Audiology Program. This page serves as a resource for students.**
We invite you to review the full list of member institutions.
Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College
Cleveland Chiropractic College, Kansas City Campus
D'Youville College
Life Chiropractic College West
Life University
Logan University
National University of Health Sciences
New York Chiropractic College
New Zealand College of Chiropractic
Northwestern Health Sciences University
Palmer College of Chiropractic, Davenport Campus
Palmer College of Chiropractic, West Campus
Palmer College of Chiropractic, Florida Campus
Parker University
Sherman College of Chiropractic
Southern California University of Health Sciences
Texas Chiropractic College
Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières
University of Bridgeport College of Chiropractic
University of Western States, College of Chiropractic
The Chiropractic Centralized Application Service (ChiroCAS)
The ChiroCAS is now open and subsequent enrollment periods for the participating schools listed.
Colleges participating in ChiroCAS are:
- Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College
- Cleveland Chiropractic College, Kansas City Campus
- D'Youville College
- Life University
- Life West College of Chiropractic
- Logan University
- New York Chiropractic College
- Northwestern Health Sciences University
- Palmer College of Chiropractic, Davenport (Davenport, Iowa)
- Palmer College of Chiropractic, Florida (Port Orange, Fla.)
- Palmer College of Chiropractic, West (San Jose, Calif.)
- Parker University
- Sherman College of Chiropractic
- Texas Chiropractic College
- University of Bridgeport College of Chiropractic
- University of Western States, College of Chiropractic
If you wish to apply to one or more of these programs please see the ChiroCAS website.
* Keep checking back as more schools may be joining.
Academic Requirements
Most chiropractic programs require that applicants have at least 3 years of undergraduate education, and an increasing number require a bachelor's degree. In either case, your undergraduate studies must include a prescribed number of prerequisite courses, as defined by the field's accrediting body, the Council on Chiropractic Education.
There are pre-admissions requirements. The following courses should be completed during one's undergraduate education:
D.C. Prerequisites
Candidates for admission must meet certain specific course/credit requirements in the sciences, social sciences and humanities.
Current entrance requirements for the Doctor of Chiropractic degree program are the following:
Effective January 2014, or earlier, at its discretion, the DCP admits students whose goals, abilities, and character are consistent with the DCP's mission, and who have completed the equivalent of three academic years of undergraduate study (90 semester hours) at an institution(s) accredited by an agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education or an equivalent foreign agency with a GPA for these 90 hours of not less than 3.0 on a 4.0 scale. The 90 hours will include a minimum of 24 semester hours in life and physical science courses. These science courses will provide an adequate background for success in the DCP, and at least half of these courses will have a substantive laboratory component. The student's undergraduate preparation also includes a well-rounded general education program in the humanities and social sciences, and other coursework deemed relevant by the DCP for students to successfully complete the DCP curriculum.
In the past all matriculants would have to enter with the following course distribution as stated below. However because of the changes the following is offered only to provide some idea of the range of courses that may be needed. All applicants should check with the individual schools in which they have an interest.
Social Sciences and Humanities
- English Communication and/or English Language Skills: 6 semester hours; 9 quarter hours
- Psychology: 3 semester hours; 4.5 quarter hours
- Social Sciences: 15 semester hours; 22.5 quarter hours
- Biological Sciences with corresponding lab*: 6 semester hours; 9 quarter hours
- Chemistry with corresponding lab**: 12 semester hours; 18 quarter hours
- Physics with corresponding lab***: 6 semester hours; 9 quarter hours
In each of the six distribution areas, no grades below 2.00 on a 4.00 scale may be accepted.
In each of the six areas of coursework, if more than one course is taken to fulfill the requirement, the course contents must be unduplicated.
*The Biological Sciences requirement must include pertinent laboratory experiences.
** At least six semester hours of the chemistry courses must include a corresponding lab. The chemistry requirement may be met with the following
3 semester hours must be General/Inorganic Chemistry
6 semester hours must be Organic and/or Biochemistry
3 semester hours of Chemistry elective
*** Physics with corresponding lab*
Two unduplicated classes, with a corresponding lab -or-
3 semester hours in Physics, with corresponding lab and
3 semester hours in Biomechanics, Kinesiology, Statistics or Exercise Physiology. (Physics I and II with lab are required by certain states).
In the event an institution's transcript does not combine laboratory and lecture grades for a single course grade, the admitting institution may calculate a weighted average of those grades to establish the grade in that science course.
Accredited chiropractic programs last 4 years and lead to a Doctor of Chiropractic (D.C.) degree. The standard curriculum covers:
- anatomy
- biochemistry
- physiology
- microbiology
- pathology
- public health
- physical, clinical and laboratory diagnosis
- gynecology & obstetrics
- pediatrics
- geriatrics
- dermatology
- otolaryngology
- diagnostic imaging procedures
- psychology
- nutrition/dietetics
- biomechanics
- orthopedics
- neurology
- first aid and emergency procedures
- spinal analysis
- principles and practice of chiropractic
- clinical decision making
- adjustive techniques
- research methods and procedures
- professional practice ethics
Information taken from the Discover Chiropractic website.