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Social Work

Everyone deserves to have someone on their side willing to fight for them. Social workers fill that role, making a difference in more ways than one.

Degree and Concentrations

Master's of Social Work (MSW)

Our degree in Master's of Social Work (MSW) offers concentration in the following sub-disciplines:

  • Aging, MSW
  • Child Welfare, MSW
  • Community Mental Health, MSW

Female social worker assist young girl on computer


Our master's of social work program prepares students to work with vulnerable, marginalized and underrepresented populations.

We train future social workers to promote integrity and provide leadership in advancing knowledge in the field, addressing social problems and advocating for social justice.


  • In fall 2023, 57.9% of our students came from underrepresented communities.
  • In fall 2023, 53% of all Master of Social Work students received stipends.
  • Over $15 million in external grants to support students and the program



Consider pursuing a master's in social work if you are passionate about creating a more just and equitable society. Social workers partner with individuals, families and communities to address various social issues, from poverty to mental health to addiction.

Our graduates become social workers, behavioral analysts, case managers, community outreach workers, probation officers, rehabilitation workers, therapists, counselors, professors and leaders of nonprofit organizations.

Social workers are employed in a variety of settings:

  • Adoption agencies
  • Chemical dependency treatment programs
  • Child protective services
  • Community mental health centers
  • Councils on aging
  • County health care agency
  • County social service agency
  • Day treatment programs
  • Family service agencies


For more information about career paths:    Contact Us

  • Foster care agencies
  • Hospitals and clinics
  • Non-profit organizations
  • Policy analysis
  • Probation and correctional facilities
  • Psychiatric facilities
  • Residential treatment centers
  • School districts / public schools
  • Social welfare research