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HUman Services

A human services degree positions you to work in a variety of sectors, including government, nonprofit and community organizations. If you are passionate about protecting and advocating for the well-being of others, a human services major is perfect for you.

Degree and Concentrations

Bachelor's Degree

The Bachelor of Science degree offers students concentrations in:

  • Human Services, B.S.
  • Addiction Studies, B.S.
  • Elementary Education, B.S.
  • Mental Health, B.S.


  • Human Services

Professor looking at laptop screen with student

WHY CHOOSE CSUF Human Services

At CSUF, human services majors participate in three fieldwork assignments, where hands-on practice pairs with exceptional networking opportunities.


CSUF’s human services program is one of the few undergraduate programs on the West Coast approved for Standards in Human Services Education.


Consider pursuing a human services degree to help prevent and treat mental health struggles and addiction; serve the elderly; teach elementary school students or work in a community organization.

A human services degree may offer a fulfilling career in the following areas:

  • Behavioral therapist
  • Case manager
  • Child adoption specialist
  • Child welfare specialist
  • Community health specialist
  • Community organizer
  • Community outreach specialist
  • Crisis intervention specialist
  • Elementary school teacher (credentials required)


For more information about career paths:    Contact Us

  • Family therapist
  • Gerontology specialist
  • Human services administrator
  • Occupational therapist
  • Policy analyst
  • Probation officer
  • School counselor
  • Social worker