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Chancellor's Doctoral Incentive Program


The mission of the CDIP is to provide professional and academic support to doctoral students aspiring to teach the diverse students of the CSU system. At the foundation of the CDIP is the mentorship between a CSU faculty member and the fellow. The CDIP also provides opportunities for professional development workshops, social connection, grant and research support, and if necessary, financial assistance in the form of a forgivable loan.

Since 1987, CDIP has supported 2,455 fellows pursuing doctoral degrees with mentoring, financial support, and professional development opportunities. Sixty-nine percent of CDIP fellows who earned doctorates have obtained faculty positions at a CSU campus, which qualifies those who participate in the loan program for loan forgiveness. Other CDIP fellows have accepted positions at institutions throughout the United States or entered post-doc positions to successfully transition to faculty careers.

Interested students must meet with the CSUF Campus Coordinator and submit a draft application by  February 10, 2023. Please see more details below.