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Thesis and Dissertation
Submission Information

Submission Process and Deadlines


  1. Upon enrollment in 598, download and read the Thesis/Dissertation Template thoroughly. They include everything you need to know about submission and formatting.
  2. Before submitting, format your work to the best of your ability, following all guidelines set out in the Thesis/Dissertation Template. After copying your paper into the template, you may optionally request a preliminary reading by contacting the University Reader.


  1. Schedule your defense with your committee at least two weeks prior to the deadline.
  2. After your defense, complete the CSUF Thesis/Dissertation Submission Form (log in using your CSUF email), which includes uploading your final committee-approved paper. The Submission Form may only be completed once and must be submitted by the appropriate deadline.


  1. Upon completing the CSUF Thesis/Dissertation Submission Form, a Verification Form will be emailed to your committee for signatures. After your committee members have all signed it, the Office of Graduate Studies will alert you via your student email that your paper has been accepted.
  2. After reading your paper, the Reader will contact you via your student email with instructions for revision or finalization. You will work with the Reader to revise your paper, and once it reaches all university requirements, the Reader will submit the finalized version for publication.

Help and Support

Thesis/Dissertation Reader

The University Thesis/Dissertation Reader, Eliot Cossaboom (, is available to answer any questions not found on this site by email or during Open Reading Hours, which are held every Monday from 6:00-7:00 PM via Zoom (log in using your CSUF email).

Writing Appointments

The Graduate Studies Center (GSC) provides free one-on-one Writing Appointments to all CSUF graduate students. If you need writing support, book a Writing Appointment through the Graduate Studies Center.

University Thesis Resources

Culminating Experience Guidelines for Master's Programs or Master's Level Degrees

Academic Standards for Graduate Degree Students

Giles T. Brown Thesis Excellence Award