Titan Scholars Transfer Program

Project Lead: Patricia Literte


The   Titan Scholars Transfer Program   (TSTP) offers a transformational experience to community college transfer students from low-income, first-generation, and underrepresented backgrounds, with particular attention paid to adult re-entry students. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, approximately 37% of U.S. college students in 2019 were 25 years-old and over. At CSUF, transfer students are more likely to be older; the average age for first-time transfer students is 24.07. In spite of the continued growth in the non-traditional college student population, higher education was largely built around the needs and experiences of middle and upper class white 18-22 year-olds. Hence, transfers who are not only adult re-entry students, but also low-income, first-generation, and/or underrepresented, face additional challenges navigating college, which may negatively affect their retention and persistence.

TSTP provides advisement, peer mentorship, academic skills seminars, professional development, financial literacy seminars, graduate school preparation, and graduate school visitations to increase the knowledge and skills needed for academic success. TSTP partners with a range of offices and programs to implement these services, engage in cost-sharing, and increase participants’ awareness of campus resources. After the end of the academic year, TSTP will provide departments and programs on campus access to our virtual program. By doing so, TSTP will impact students beyond those who are direct participants in the Program. Based on existing research and data collected by TSTP since 2017, TSTP will also construct an online training program for faculty focused on best practices for working with transfer students. The program will be made available to the Faculty Development Center and departments.


Outcome #1:
Exceed GI 2025 goals for 2019 transfer participants: At the end of 2020-2021 AY, at least 54% of Titan Transfer Scholars will graduate; the remaining will be on track to graduate by Spring 2023 or earlier.

Outcome #2:
On pace to exceed GI 2025 goals for 2020 transfer participants: At the end of 2020-2021 AY, at least 64% of Titan Transfer Scholars will be on track to graduate by Spring 2022; the remaining will be on track to graduate by Spring 2024 or earlier.

Outcome #3:
90% of TSTP students will exhibit improved academic and study skills.

Outcome #4:
90% of TSTP students will exhibit improved professionalization.

Outcome #5:
90% of TSTP students will exhibit improved financial literacy.

Outcome #6:
90% of TSTP students will exhibit increased integration into the CSUF campus and improved helpseeking behaviors.

Outcome #7:
90% of TSTP students will exhibit increased knowledge and awareness of requirements for graduate school, graduate school options, and associated career paths.

Outcome #8:
92% of faculty participants will exhibit increased knowledge of the target populations.


Over the last three years, TSTP’s outcomes clearly advance the objectives of GI 2025 by exceeding the target of a 44% two-year graduation for transfer students. 59% of the Fall 2017 cohort graduated Spring or Summer 2019, and 72% of the Fall 2018 cohort is expected to graduate by Spring 2020. TSTP will continue to build on these successes, by serving more students, improving existing programming, and creating new, innovative programming. Furthermore, the inclusion of a faculty training component will bolster sustainable, long-term change, as it will provide faculty across the university with knowledge and skills to address the unique needs of transfer students from underrepresented populations.