Marine Geology
GEOL 101- Introduction to Geology
GEOL 310T - Topics in California-Related Geology
GEOL 333 - Oceanography
GEOL 381- Data Collection and Analysis for Earth Scientists
GEOL 510T - Continental Margin Sedimentation
Carlin, J.A., Lee, G., Dellapenna, T., Laverty, P., 2016. Sediment resuspension by wind, waves, and currents during meteorological frontal passages in a micro-tidal lagoon. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 172, 24-33. doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2016.01.029
Carlin, J.A, Dellapenna, T.M., 2015. The evolution of a subaqueous delta in the Anthropocene: A stratigraphic investigation of the Brazos River delta, TX USA. Continental Shelf Research 111B, 139-149.
Carlin, J., Dellapenna, T., Figlus, J., Harter, C., 2015. Investigating morphological and stratigraphic changes to the submarine shoreface of a transgressive barrier island: Follets Island, northern Gulf of Mexico: in Wang, P., J. D. Rosati, and J. Cheng, eds., Coastal Sediments: The Preceedings of the Coastal Sediments 2015, World Scientific, Singapore, 14 p.
Carlin, J.A. , Dellapenna, T.M., Strom, K., Noll, C.J., 2015. The influence of a salt wedge intrusion on fluvial suspended sediment and the implications for sediment transport to the adjacent coastal ocean: A study of the lower Brazos River TX, USA. Marine Geology 359, 134 - 147.
Carlin, J.A., Dellapenna, T.M., 2014. Event-driven deltaic sedimentation on a low-gradient, low-energy shelf: The Brazos River subaqueous delta, northwestern Gulf of Mexico. Marine Geology 353, 21-30.