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Mechanical Engineering


Bachelor's Degree

Mechanical Engineering, B.S.

Master's Degree

Mechanical Engineering, M.S.

2 students examining 3D printed prosthetic arm

WHY CHOOSE CSUF Mechanical Engineering

Are you naturally curious, detail oriented, logical and mathematically inclined? Our undergraduate and graduate mechanical engineering students possess all these qualities, along with a keen interest in understanding the design and function of various products, systems and processes. Mechanical engineers perform a diverse array of tasks, from general engineering to specialized functions like design, product development, construction, maintenance, sales, research and management.


  • The Bachelor of Science degree in mechanical engineering is accredited by Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology
  • Preparation for graduate work
  • Student participation in research
  • Industrial partnerships


Our graduates have established successful careers all throughout the engineering industry including in research and hardware development such as mechanical component and system design, fabrication, manufacturing, reliability and testing.

A mechanical engineering degree may offer a fulfilling career in the following areas:

  • Aerospace engineers
  • Architectural and engineering managers
  • Auto Research engineers
  • Biomedical engineers
  • Combustion engineers
  • Computer hardware engineers
  • Engine designers
  • Heating and cooling systems engineers
  • Industrial production managers
  • Marine engineers and Naval architects
  • Materials engineers


For more information about career paths:    Contact Us

  • Mining and geological engineers
  • Natural sciences managers
  • Nuclear engineers
  • Petroleum engineers
  • Physicists and astronomers
  • Robotics engineers
  • Sales engineers
  • Tool and die engineers
  • Tool engineers