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General Engineering

Bachelor'S Degree

Engineering, B.S.

Engineering student assembling a mechanical device

WHY CHOOSE CSUF General Engineering Program

As an engineer, you have the ability to work on projects that positively impact the world. Engineers help clean the environment, develop prosthetic aids, create clean and efficient transportation systems, find new sources of energy, alleviate the world's hunger problems and increase the standard of living in underdeveloped countries.


If you have a passion for mathematics and science and enjoy collaborating in teams to find unique solutions to complex issues, engineering is the right path for you.

Our graduates have found success in a myriad of careers from aerospace to sustainability and beyond:

  • Aeronautical engineer
  • Biomedical engineer
  • Chemical engineer
  • Civil engineer
  • Computer engineer
  • Electrical engineer
  • Industrial engineer


For more information about career paths:    Contact Us

  • Marine engineer
  • Materials engineer
  • Mechanical engineer
  • Nuclear engineer
  • Petroleum engineer
  • Software engineer