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Computer Engineering


Bachelor's Degree

  • Computer Engineering, B.S.
  • Computer Engineering, Blended (B.S. - M.S.)

Master's Degree

  • Computer Engineering, M.S.

Female student working on circuit board

WHY CHOOSE CSUF Computer Engineering

Computer engineering touches every aspect of modern life from mobile devices to high-performance computing systems for e-prescription and electronic health records. With captivating academic programs, state-of-the-art facilities, dedicated faculty and an innovative curriculum, we empower students to tackle the engineering challenges of this century. Our program offers undergraduate, graduate and four-year integrated undergraduate and graduate degrees in computer engineering.


  • The Bachelor of Science degree in computer engineering is accredited by the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology
  • The undergraduate program ranked No. 7 in the nation among non-Ph.D. granting institutions, U.S. News & World Report, 2021
  • A dedicated computer engineering lab for seniors to work on their capstone projects
  • The computer engineering program uses Cadence Electronic Design Automation (EDA) software in academic course materials and in research projects


Computer engineers work at universities, research institutions, government agencies and private businesses. Their roles involve finding innovative solutions to problems, formulating and testing devices and collaborating within teams to create cutting-edge products.

A degree in computer engineering may offer a fulfilling career in the following areas:

  • Computer programmer
  • Data scientist
  • Electrical engineer
  • Firmware engineer
  • Forensic computer analyst
  • Game developer
  • Industrial engineer


For more information about career paths:    Contact Us

  • Information systems manager
  • Information security analyst
  • IT consultant
  • Mechanical engineer
  • Software developer
  • Technical support specialist
  • Web developer