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Civil Engineering


Bachelor's Degree

  • Civil Engineering: Architectural Engineering Emphasis, B.S.
  • Civil Engineering, B.S.

Master's Degree

  • Civil Engineering, M.S.

2 civil engineers examining stress test on steel beam

WHY CHOOSE CSUF Civil Engineering

Experience a practical and immersive civil engineering degree program designed to help you achieve a successful career in industry and research. Our undergraduate and master’s programs empower students to become builders and problem solvers that will leave a lasting impact on the world.

Students design and construct unique projects, work alongside distinguished faculty, collaborate with industry partners and gain hands-on research experience.


  • The Bachelor of Science in civil engineering is accredited by the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology
  • Undergraduate civil engineering program ranked among top 10 in the nation, U.S. News & World Report, 2021.
  • Master of Science in civil engineering program ranked among top 25 in the nation, Grad Reports, 2020.
  • The College of Engineering and Computer Science’s online master’s in engineering programs ranked No. 34 (tied) of 118 in the nation, U.S. News & World Report, 2023.
  • CSUF’s online engineering programs ranked No. 1 among the 23 CSUs and No. 3 in California, behind UCLA and USC, U.S. News & World Report, 2023.


Civil engineers are employed across a variety of fields including manufacturing, transportation, construction, business, education, government and health care.

A civil engineering degree may offer a fulfilling career in the following areas:

  • Architectural engineers
  • Architectural and engineering managers
  • Bridge engineers
  • Construction engineers / managers
  • Environmental engineers
  • Facilities engineers
  • Geotechnical engineers
  • Geoscientists
  • Highway engineers


For more information about career paths:    Contact Us

  • Hydrographic engineers
  • Mechanical engineers
  • Mining and geological engineers
  • Nuclear engineers
  • Petroleum engineers
  • Research hydraulic engineers
  • Structural engineers
  • Transportation engineers