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In Memoriam

A complete list of deceased emeriti is available in the Emeriti Directory, which is provided to all members annually. 

Recently Deceased

Martha J. Baker-Jordan
Professor of Music, Emeritus

Jay Berman
Lecturer in Journalism, Emeritus

Ronald E. Clapper
Lecturer in Liberal Studies, Emeritus

Mildred R. Donoghue
Professor of Elementary and Bilingual Education, Emeritus

Wallace Farrelly
Director of Cultural Events, Emeritus

Albert J. Fredman
Professor of Finance, Emeritus

James Friel
Professor of Mathematics, Emeritus

Phillip L. Gianos
Professor of Political Science, Emeritus

Deborah Osen Hancock
Professor of Education, Emeritus

Candice L. Jones
Administrative Support Coordinator, Academic Affairs, Emeritus

Paul Lester
Professor of Communications, Emeritus

George G. S. Lin
Professor of Civil Engineering, Emeritus

Maria Linder
Professor of Biochemistry, Emeritus

Jon Mathews
Professor of Mathematics, Emeritus

Sallie Mitchell
Professor of Theatre and Dance, Emeritus

Douglas J. Navarick
Professor of Psychology, Emeritus

Myron Orleans
Professor of Sociology, Emeritus

Jacqueline Otis
Administrative Analyst/Specialist, Student Academic Services, Emeritus

Robert L. Palmer
Vice President for Student Affairs, Emeritus

Don Pease
Professor of Elementary and Bilingual Education, Emeritus

Marvin Rosenberg
Professor of Biology, Emeritus

Curtis Swanson
Professor of Modern Languages and Literatures, Emeritus

G. Cleve Turner
Professor of Biology, Emeritus

Book of Tributes

The Cal State Fullerton Emeriti Book of Tributes is a collection of tributes to deceased members of the Emeriti written by one or more of the deceased faculty member's colleagues. Each of these tributes focuses on the faculty member's professional contributions to his or her discipline and to the university. A printed copy of the Book of Tributes is kept in the Emeriti Center office (PLN-433).

Colleagues who wish to prepare a tribute for a deceased member of the Emeriti Association should email preferably as a Microsoft Word attachment or as a plain text email. The copy will be sent to the chair of the Special Projects Committee for final editing and posting.