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Join or Donate

All those named “Emeritus” by the president of the university are invited to join the CSU Fullerton Emeriti and become active in the association. Membership dues are $25 a year (or $250 for a lifetime membership), payable at the beginning of the academic year.

Pay by Check

Make check payable to the Cal State Fullerton Philanthropic Foundation (or CSFPF). Add a note on the memo line of Emeriti Dues (Annual or Lifetime), and mail to our bank’s secure lockbox:

Cal State Fullerton Philanthropic Foundation
P.O. Box 843730
Los Angeles, CA 90084-3730

Scholarship Support

Many members, when paying their dues, also make a separate contribution to the Emeriti Memorial Scholarship Fund. Such contributions are placed in an endowment fund to support the annual scholarship awards. Similarly, members may make a separate contribution to the Emeriti Library Endowment Fund or the university’s Guardian Scholars Program.
