CIC | PCUBED is a grant-funded project that aims to increase the transfer, retention, and graduation rates of women in Computer Sciences at CSU Fullerton. All students, regardless of race, sex, color, ethnicity, national origin, or any other protected status, who are interested in CIC | PCUBED are welcome.

  • MEET THE CIC I PCUBED Student Research Assistants!

  • Student Assisant

    tanya samari
    Tanya Samari
  • Student Assisant

    Sandra Nguyen
    Sandra Nguyen
  • Student Assisant

    Maria Ortega
    Maria Ortega
  • Student Assisant

    giselle roman
    Giselle Roman
  • Student Assisant

    diamond ly
    Diamond Ly
  • Student Assisant

    joann sum
    Joann Sum
  • Student Assisant

    khushi kaushik
    Khushi Kaushik
  • Student Assisant

    Chelsea Ogbedeagu
    Chelsea Ogbedeagu