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Course Accommodation Letters (CALs)

Login to TITANABLE and Request CALs

What are CALs?

Course Accommodation Letters (CALs) notify instructors of your approved DSS accommodations.

We recommend that you request your CALs to your instructors at the beginning of each semester. After you request your CAL, your instructor will receive it in an email to their CSUF faculty email account.

When should I request my CALs?

We recommend that you request  your CALs at the beginning of each semester.

How do I request my CALs?

Please follow the instructions below:

  1. Login to  TITANABLEOpens in new window   .
  2. After you login to TITANABLE, click on the "Send Accommodation Letters" button
  3.  Click on "Accommodations" in the top left corner
  4. Select which accommodations you want to use for each of your courses
  5. Repeat this process for all of your courses that you would like to request accommodations for
  6. Once requested, you will either see that your letter status says "Sent" or "Confirmed."  The letter does not need to be "confirmed" for your accommodations to be active.  Please plan to start utilizing your accommodations including scheduling exams (if applicable) regardless of the status. 
  7. Make sure to complete these steps  each semester

What is in the CAL? Does it disclose my disability?

The CAL lists your approved DSS accommodations and informs your instructor of your registration with DSS. It does not disclose your disability or why you registered with DSS.

Do I need to request CALs?

Yes! Your instructors will not know about your accommodations unless they receive a CAL.

Approved DSS accommodations cannot be applied retroactively, so it is important to request your CALs at the beginning of each semester.


You can email or call at (657) 278-3112.