Get to know our Biometrics Team

Spring 2017

Meet Andrew Le

Andrew Le


My name is Andrew Le and this is my third year at CSUF. My areas of concentration are Cybersecurity, Web Enterprise, and Software Engineering. I will graduate in the Spring of 2018.

What is your role in the Biometrics Project?

I have been in the biometrics research group working in the mobile security project for two months. The project I am working on is to improve mobile device security. I am collecting data, pictures of all the face for our research.  I am currently working on building the database using an application in a Galaxy S7. The app was built by Jacob, one of our team members.

What is the impact of your mobile biometrics study in our society? How is it important?

We are adding more features for more recognition, like head, the full head taking all the angles in consideration. Other teams are taking the data from the ear, fingerprints, and voice. This is to verify the identity of someone trying to unlock your cellphone. This research has the potential to protect the security and privacy of millions of cellphone users. 

What programs or tools are you using in your research?

I build the program in Android Studio and use Java language.

What are the challenges you have or are facing with your biometrics project?

Right now, building the database, that is my challenge. I got samples, now my task is to work with the dabase.


When will be project be finished?

My part has to be wrapped up in two weeks. We still need a lot more volunteers to finish the project, as many as we can get. The more we get the better our project will be.

What are your hobbies?

(Andrew having salad) I like salad (he laughs). For fun, well, I like playing video games. I really like to spend time alone. I know this may sound weird, but yeah I like solitude.

Andrew looking at sketches

Something you live by:

I always work to improve myself. If I get a grade I don’t like on an exam, I study and try even to be better next time. I always try to better myself.

What are your plans when you graduate?

I just want to find a job. I am not considering doing my masters at this time.

Android or Apple?


What recommendations would you give to new students?

Join a club! Even though I didn’t join one, but I would have liked it.


Learn more about the various security research groups hosted at the center

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