Meet Brandon T. Nguyen

Brandon Nguyen

Get to know Brandon T. Nguyen - Offensive Security Society President (OSS)

Photo by our ECS Cyber


Behind the scenes

Brandon is working intensely managing the Offensive Security Society and preparing for the Collegiate Penetration Testing Competition (CPTC) at Stanford!

Everyone! Here is Brandon!



Hello, my name is Brandon T. Nguyen.  I like to read, go hiking, learning new skills, playing with my dogs and cat, and going on new adventures. My major is Computer Science and I am focusing on cybersecurity.

I chose Computer Science after I decided to change majors at OCC.  My major was Kinesiology. I did an internship as an Athletic Training, but I didn't love it so a friend recommend that I take a JAVA class and I feel in love with the major.


ECS Cyber: What made you want to be in the OSS and be president?

Brandon: It just fell onto me. No one really wanted to be the president, so I just stepped up and took over the role. Since I was VP last semester. It wasn't that much of a change in leaderaship.

ECS Cyber:  What benefits have you gain as OSS member and now as president?

 Brandon: The president responsibilities are definitely making me more of a leader than just being passive. Being the OSS president also forces me to work on my public speaking, delegating, and working with all sorts of people that I would not normally work with.

ECS Cyber:  What are your plans for the OSS this semester, events, and workshops?

Brandon: My plan is to get everyone to have a solid foundation of the basics of security. Then, during the spring semester, build on it and start doing more complicated stuff like maybe building a keylogger making. Perhaps getting into some IOT stuff and  have people start preparing for ITC. Hopefully form a red team to start pen testing companies.

ECS Cyber:  How about CPCT? How are you preparing for it?

Brandon: CPTC... I am a little nervous, but I am also excited. It is my first time competing in a penetration competition like this. But when we are in the area we plan on touring Google headquarters and Dropbox.

ECS Cyber:  What are your favorite gadgets? Computers, cellphone, cameras, bike etc. Apple o android?

Brandon: Favorite gadgets would be my thinkpad and Android hacking tools. I like the USB rubber ducky. I made me own with the duckberry repo on GitHub with a raspberry pi zero. 

ECS Cyber:  What are your plans for your career?

Brandon: Hopefully when I graduate get a job with in the security but for right now getting an internship over the summer.

ECS Cyber: 

It was a pleasure to meet you in person and get to know you a little more. Thank you, Brandon, for giving us the opportunity to interview you!  We wish  you the very best in your new role as OSS President and the best for the CPTC competition!

Please show your support for Brandon and the team competing ant the CPTC this weekend (Oct 6-7, 2018) by following us, like, and share in our social media!

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