Past/Future Trends Driving Ciber Warfare Evolution

Firewallside Chat Fall 2017 Series

Past/Future Trends Driving Ciber Warfare Evolution

September 22, 2017
4:00 to 5:00 PM
Location: LH-307

Event Details

 This event features a cybersecurity talk coordinated by the Cybersecurity Center and hosted by the Offensive Security Society (OSS) at Calstate University of Fullerton. 


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William J. Purpura

William J. Purpura

From: Dargon Development

Title: " Past/Future Trends Driving Cyberwarfare Evolution "

Abut Mr. Purpura: 

  • Managing Partner of Dargon Development, Financial /System Engineering consulting & hedge fund management
  • Boeing Senior Systems/Project Engineer (Retired) :P-6 level, Boeing certified Advanced level in both skill sets, with 39+ years’ experience (30+ at Boeing) working projects from IRAD to major DoD development Proposals/Contracts
  • Relevant Cyber Defense/Offense experience includes:
  • Creator of critical technology that formed basis of Boeing’s contribution NIST Cyber Framework
  • Inventor of awarded US patent #9,591,022 titled “Computer Defenses and Counterattacks”
  • Co-inventor of Secret (abstract will NOT be published) US patent in final USPO review titled “Network Real-Time Data Anomaly Detection, Forensic Analysis, & Automated Response Methodology”
  • Creator of proprietary industry leading stock & Index Option risk, profitability, & performance reporting software
  • Awarded 20 US Patents (2 more under USPO review) & 2 Boeing trade secrets
  • National Conference Level Presentations, articles published, & Professional Organization background:
  • 7 National & 5 Boeing Industry Workshops/Conferences presentations, numerous enterprise presentations
  • 13 papers at Boeing Technical Excellence Conferences (BTECs) & 2 article published in technical journals
  • Invited speaker for multiple divisions across enterprise to present on Systems & Project Engineering Topics
  • Awarded BSE, MSE, MBA, & 2 certificates in S/W Eng (CSUF), Post graduate work in Project Management (UCI)
  • Profiled in Project Management Institute’s professional Journal “Imagination” Aug 2012
  • 2010 Boeing Supplier Management SAGE Award & 2004 Innovative Engineer Award for all Boeing Defense
  • Elected member of CSUF Alumni Board of Directors (BoD), now serving second term as BoD at large director





 Please visit our Firewallside Chats Calendar to view all the events.


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