Penetration Tester

firewallside chat 2016: The Daily Life of a Penetration Tester

March 25, 2016

10:00 to 11:00 am

Location: PLN-130



This talk will feature CSUF alumni and penetration tester Reza Nikoopour currently employed at Cigital Inc. Mr. Nikoopour, will educate the audience about the penetration testing process and its benefits, and share his experiences working as a penetration tester. The talk will be followed by a debriefing session hosted by the Offensive Security Society (OSS) (members only).

March 25, 2016 Flyer

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OC Register

Check event featured in the Orange County Register News:

CSUF educates on digital threats with Firewallside Chats

Rezza Nikoopour

Rezza Nikoopour

Position: Network Penetration Tester at Cigital

About Mr. Rezza:

Mr. Reza Nikoopour graduated from the CSUF Computer Science program in 2015. During his time at CSUF he was an active OSS member and was committed to learning cybersecurity. Immediately after graduation he joined Cigital Inc. where he now works as a network penetration tester. He is also currently employed in the CSUF Computer Science Department, where he teaches an Introduction to Computer Security course and plays an active role in the OSS activities.

Title: "The Daily Life of a Penetration Tester"




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