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Project SHINE

Spring 2025 Mandatory Orientation & Training

Pollak Library North, Room 130 (PLN-130)

Friday, February 7th, 9am-12:30pm

Light breakfast will be served at 8:30am

Project SHINE began as a national service-learning initiative at Temple University in Philadelphia, PA, to build partnerships among community colleges, universities and community-based organizations that benefited older immigrants, refugees and college students.

Project SHINE at Cal State Fullerton began in 2001. Project SHINE links college students with immigrants who are learning English as a second language, increasing their participation in the community and/or working toward becoming U.S. citizens. As part of a service-learning course or as volunteers, the college students assist participants in a variety of ways, including teaching English, teaching citizenship, providing them with written histories in their native language, and serving as conversation partners.



  • Attend the orientation & training
  • Commit to serve a minimum of 20 hours during the semester
  • A willing attitude
  • A solid grasp of the English language


Service Locations

  • North Orange Continuing Education (NOCE) locations and via Zoom


Benefits of Participation

  • Receive a certificate (upon successful completion of 20 hours of service)
  • Meet new people and learn about various cultures
  • Develop new skills
  • Gain experience
  • Make a difference in the community


For More Information

  • Email or call Katie Herbst, Community-Engaged Learning Specialist, for details and to be put on the interest list at (657) 278-7151 or