Service-Learning Grants

Funding for 2023-2024 Service-Learning Grants  is no longer available. Please  contact CICE regarding future grant funding.

To support development of service-learning courses and community partnerships resulting in transformational experiences for students.

Grants are awarded through the Center for Internships & Community Engagement and funded by the CSU Chancellor’s Office Call to Service Initiative and/or the Student Success InitiativeOpens in new window .

Add Service-Learning to a Course

up to $3,000

For faculty and lecturers seeking to adopt service-learning pedagogy and integrate a service-learning component into a course. Grant recipients will modify the curriculum of an established course or create a new course to include a required service-learning component. 

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up to $3,000

Faculty will strengthen a partnership between the University and the community through a collaboratively-conceived, course-related service-learning project that targets an unmet community need. Must result in an implemented project within the one-year grant period.

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Assessment/Scholarship of Service-Learning

up to $2,000

Supports research or scholarship about service-learning. Example of projects include an assessment of the impact of a CSUF service-learning course or development of a manuscript for a peer-reviewed scholarly journal or book chapter about service-learning pedagogy. Assessment project or manuscript must be complete by the end of the contracted grant period. 

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fACULTY Conference Travel

up to $500 for faculty/$1,000 per student co-presenter

Support for faculty or lecturers who will attend a professional or academic conference specifically to gain additional knowledge of service-learning pedagogy and/or to present (with or without student co-presenters) about service-learning scholarship or practice.

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faculty INTERNATIONAL Service-Learning Pre-Travel

up to 80% of state-allowed expenses (max $2,000; max one award per faculty)

Support for faculty travel to establish service-learning partnerships and conduct prepatory coordination. Grant provides partial support for programmatic travel costs linked to U.S. or international service-learning courses.

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Service-Learning Student TRAVEL

$500 (max 50%) of state -allowed travel costs per student.

Support to increase access for students to international service-learning experiences and programming. Disbursement restrictions apply.

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