Service Learning at CSUF

Reminder for all Faculty teaching service-learning courses!

Please ensure you have completed all of the Service-Learning Administrative Requirements for Faculty  PDF File Opens in new window for the current semester.

Suggested DPS Language to Support Community-Engaged Teaching and Scholarship

Departments who wish to support their community-engaged faculty may use this suggested language for inclusion in Department Personnel StandardsOpens in new window (DPS) documents.


New "introduction to service learning" video 

CICE is happy to release our latest support resource for faculty, the Introduction to Service LearningOpens in new window video.

The Center for Internships & Community Engagement provides support to faculty whether they are new to service learning and experienced practioners. Please use the links below to find information and resources.


Service-Learning Resources

We offer the following resources for designing, implementing, sustaining and assessing service-learning courses.

  • Faculty training

    Documents, videos and workshops that assist faculty in understanding service-learning pedagogy and developing courses. 
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    • Service Learning at CSUFPDF File Opens in new window

    • A faculty handbook addressing all aspects of service learning as it is practiced at CSUF
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    • CICE Workshops and Seminars

    • Presentation slides, resources, tools connected to CICE-sponsored workshops on vaiours aspects of service-learning pedagogy.
  • System access, forms and TEMPLATES

    Links to access the Student Placement System (CalStateS4) and other forms and templates for use as you teach your course. 
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    • Community-Engaged Learning Tool (CELT)Opens in new window

    • Chancellor's Office-required assessment tool. All faculty must complete the CELT for their courses to recognized and officially designated as service learning by campus. 
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    • Service Opportunity SetupOpens in new window

    • Form that faculty can use to request registration and approval of a student service opportunity with a community partner organization.  
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    • Student Timesheet (PDF)PDF File Opens in new window

    • A time sheet template which faculty may distribute to their students to track their service hours.
  • General Support and tools

    • ConsultationsOpens in new window

    • Connect with CICE staff and our faculty consultants for advice and practical assistance teaching service-learning courses. Just fill out the form and we will be in touch to schedule.
    • CICE Service Learning Library

    • A list of service-learning books available to be borrowed by faculty. FREE COPIES of select books available on request.
    • Journals

    • A list of journals that publish articles specifically about, or related to, service learning.