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Bachelor of Arts in Chemistry

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The Bachelor of Arts in Chemistry degree is offered for students who are planning careers that require a sound background in fundamental chemistry, but not at the depth of the B.S. degree. The B.A. is particularly suited for those who plan to go into areas such as secondary education, technical sales, science writing, chemical patent law and forensic sciences. The B.A. in Chemistry requires 44 units of Chemistry courses, and 16 units of related courses.

Chemistry/Pre MBA Program

A student may combine a B.A. in Chemistry with a minor in Business Administration to qualify to enroll in and complete an MBA degree at CSUF in one additional year (33 units), provided all entrance requirements for the MBA program have been met. See your department adviser for details.

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Basic Courses

  • Chemistry 120A,B General Chemistry (10)
  • Chemistry 190 Career Options in Chemistry (1)
  • Chemistry 301A,B Organic Chemistry (6)
  • Chemistry 306 A,B Organic Chemistry Laboratory (4)
  • Chemistry 315 Theory of Quantitative Chemistry (3)
  • Chemistry 316 Quantitative Chemistry Laboratory (2)
  • Chemistry 325 Inorganic Chemistry (3)
  • Chemistry 361A, B Introduction to Physical Chemistry (6)
  • Chemistry 495/499 Senior Research/Independent Study (3)
  • Upper-division Electives (3)
  • Upper-division Biochemistry Electives (3)

Related Courses

  • Physics 211, 212 Elementary Physics (6)
  • Physics 211L, 212L Elementary Physics Laboratory (2)
  • Math 150A,B Calculus (8)
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B.A. Chemistry Flowchart

Review the flowchart of courses and if you are interested, please contact the chemistry undergraduate advisor.

B.A. Chemistry Flowchart

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