Message from the Chair
Welcome to the website of the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at Cal State Fullerton! I invite you to explore these pages to learn about our department, our degree programs and courses, and the outstanding research our students and faculty are doing. We offer a rigorous and innovative curriculum that focuses on developing problem-solving, critical thinking, and communication skills, and provides high quality education in chemistry and biochemistry. We offer a B.S. Chemistry degree program, which is accredited by the American Chemical Society; a B.A. Chemistry program for those with broad or interdisciplinary interests; and a B.S. Biochemistry degree. Our graduate program consists of a thesis-based Master of Science (M.S.) degree in Chemistry. We currently have more than 600 undergraduate majors and typically serve more than 3000 students each semester in all our courses.
We offer small classes, individualized attention and hands-on learning using state-of-the-art instrumentation. Our faculty strive to maintain excellence in classroom teaching and in their research. Several of our full-time faculty have received university-wide and national awards for teaching, research and service. Our faculty are highly committed to teaching through research and many have external funding from national agencies. All our undergraduate students must complete a capstone experience, which commonly is done through a senior research project in which students conduct research with faculty. Many undergraduate students present their research findings at local, regional, and national conferences and are co-authors on research publications.
The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at CSUF has an impressive record of student success. After graduating, many of our students go on to attend prestigious graduate and professional schools, end up employed in the local industry, or go on to become teachers. We have strong bonds with our alumni and they will attest that CSUF Chemistry and Biochemistry graduates continue to be highly sought-after by both employers and graduate schools.
We offer a unique and personable department with solid educational opportunities for careers in chemistry and biochemistry. Please have a look around our web pages, and let us know if you’d like to tour the department personally. For further information, please contact our Department office or our academic advisors. We would love to hear from you!
Dr. Niroshika Keppetipola
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry Chair