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CDR Staff
Directions to CDR


1121 N. State College Blvd.
Suite 238
Fullerton, CA 92831-3014
Phone:  (657) 278-3009
Fax: (657) 278-5091

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About the CDR

The Center for Demographic Research was established in 1996 to ensure Orange County continues its presence in the development and support of demographic information. The CDR activities are located at California State University, Fullerton, ensuring data consistency through the maintenance of a centralized data source of Orange County demographic characteristics.

The Center for Demographic Research is sponsored by the County of Orange, Orange County Transportation Authority, Orange County Council of Governments, Orange County Sanitation District, Transportation Corridor Agencies, Southern California Association of Governments, Municipal Water District of Orange County, and Orange County Water District. These agencies govern and support the Center for Demographic Research and are referred to as CDR Sponsors.

In 2010, the Orange County Local Agency Formation Commission joined the agencies supporting the CDR as a Contributing Partner. This new tier of financial support was created to be responsive to an agency's desire to participate in supporting CDR but focused in their scope of CDR services. The contributing partner tier of support includes specified work product, limited access to CDR resources and products, and non-voting membership on technical and management committees. In 2015, the CDR was named a California State Data Center Affiliate Office. 

The Center for Demographic Research operates in partnership with California State University, Fullerton, supporting the university's learning-centered mission. The CDR makes its wealth of data readily available to faculty and student researchers, assists the faculty in designing instructional activities in the field of demography, and draws upon faculty research and expertise in its project activities. Through such linkages, the CDR provides opportunities for California State University, Fullerton and other institutions of higher education to benefit from participation in regional demographic concerns. The CDR's academic home is in the  College of Humanities and Social Sciences.

A Management Oversight Committee serves as the policy committee overseeing the activities of the CDR. Each of the sponsoring agencies have one voting member and the two water agencies share one voting member. Contributing Partners have one non-voting, ex-officio member each. Its responsibilities include (1) consideration of policy matters associated with the operations of the CDR, (2) review of product status and activities which are part of the core work program, (3) review of the CDR's financial status, (4) consideration of requests from additional agencies wishing to become sponsors, and (5) consideration of other matters vital to the function of the CDR, including additional tasks as requested by the sponsors.

A Technical Advisory Committee provides technical guidance and input into the development of each product produced on the annual work program. The Technical Advisory Committee advises the Director of the CDR, as well as reports to the Management Oversight Committee. Its primary role is to provide advice on the approach, techniques, data sources and methods used to develop new products; to facilitate the acquisition of data necessary to produce products; to provide suggestions on the interpretation and analysis incorporated into products; to provide input on assumptions for the development of the growth forecasts; and to provide review of products prior to approval by the Management Oversight Committee. Membership to this committee is the same as the Management Oversight Committee, with the addition of a second CSU Fullerton representative and one member each from both Chapman University and the University of California, Irvine.


Provide accurate and timely information regarding population, housing, and employment characteristics for Orange County, California in an efficient and cost-effective manner.


  • Objectivity
    We aspire to produce demographic estimates and projections that are independent and objective.
  • Accuracy
    We attempt to produce demographic estimates and projections that are valid and accurate.
  • Honesty, Trust and Respect
    We aspire to the highest degree of integrity, honesty, trust, and respect in our interactions with our sponsors and clients.
  • Learning and Teaching
    We continuously develop ourselves, enhancing our talents, skills, and abilities.
  • Teamwork and Problem Solving
    We strive to reach the CDR's goals through cooperative efforts and collaboration with each other and our sponsors. We work to solve problems in a creative and a cost-effective manner.

For more information on CDR, please view our Business Plan (PDF) with Management and Technical Committee members.

CDR 20th Anniversary Commemorative Book- October 13, 2016.