Title IX and Gender Equity
Title IX and Gender Equity is the campus department responsible for ensuring that all programs and activities at Cal State Fullerton are free of discrimination and harassment based on sex, gender and/or sexual orientation. The Title IX and Gender Equity Office upholds CSU policies that prohibit discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking, and retaliation. Anyone who may have experienced or witnessed these types of prohibited conduct is strongly encouraged to report to the Title IX and Gender Equity Office directly or submit an online report. Staff may also be contacted at (657) 278-2121 or titleix@fullerton.edu. When the Title IX and Gender Equity Office receives notice that a policy violation may have occurred, they contact the individual who is reported to have experienced the alleged behavior to offer available supportive measures and discuss appropriate rights and options , including the choice to file a formal complaint to initiate an appropriate process.
Most University employees, including faculty, are obligated to report any instances of the above listed prohibited behaviors to the Title IX and Gender Equity Office so the office can take prompt and effective steps to address the matter. Students looking to access confidential support are encouraged to speak with the campus confidential advocate or Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS).