
40. F. M. Shropshire, C. E. Jones, R. L. Allen, Y. C. Atallah, D. R. Sandquist, and S. E. Walker. 2016. Significance of Bulb Polarity in Survival of Transplanted Mitigation Bulbs. Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Sciences 115(2): 112-125.  

39. Lucas, S. D., J. A. Wheeler, Y. C. Atallah, S. E. Walker, C. E. Jones, and J. H. Burk. 2016. Long-term impacts of dam construction on plant succession and survival of an endangered species. Ecosphere 7(5):e01235, doi: 10.1002/ecs2.1235.

38. Rypstra, A.L., S.E. Walker, and M.H. Persons. 2016. Cautious versus desperado males: predation risk affects courtship intensity but not female choice in a wolf spider. Behavioral Ecology 27(3): 879-885, doi: 10.1093/beheco/arv234 (first published online in 2015).

37. Nelson, K., B. Kronenfeld.S. Walker, and R. Cummings. 2013. The effect of red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invita Buren, control on neighborhoods in Orange County California. Proceedings and Papers of the Mosquito and Vector Control Association of California 81: 1 – 8.

36. Bonsangue, M. V., T. Cadwalladerolsker, C. Fernandez-Weston, M. Filowitz, J. Hershey, H. S. Moon, C. Renne, E. Sullivan, S. Walker, and R. Woods. 2013. The effect of supplemental instruction on transfer student success in first semester calculus. The Learning Assistance Review 18: 61- 75.

35. Stoffer, B.* and S. E. Walker. 2012. The use of multimodal communication in mate choice decisions by female house crickets, Acheta domesticus. Animal Behaviour, 83:1131-1138.

34. Walker, S. E. 2011. Density and Dispersion. Nature Education Knowledge 2(9):3

33. Blatchford, R.*, S.E. Walker, & S.D. Marshall. 2011. A phylogeny-based comparison of tarantula spider anti-predator behaviour reveals correlation of morphlogy and behaviour. Ethology 117:473-476.

32. Jones, C.E., Shropshire, F.M., J. Luttrell, S.E. Walker, D. R. Sandquist, Y. C. Atallah, R. L. Allen, J.H. Burk, & L. C. Song Jr. 2010.  Do native ants play a significant role in the reproductive success of the San Fernando Valley Spineflower, Chorizanthe parryi var. Fernandina (Polygonaceae). Madroño 57(3):161-169.

31. Houtman, A. M. & S. E. Walker.  2010. Decreasing plagiarism: What works and what doesn’t.  The Journal on Excellence in College Teaching 21:51-71.

30. Jones, C.E., F.M. Shropshire, L.L. Taylor-Taft, S.E. Walker, L. C. Song, Jr, Y.C. Atallah, R.L. Allen, D. R. Sandquist, J. Luttrell, & J.H. Burk. 2009.  Reproductive Biology of the San Fernando Valley Spineflower, Chorizanthe parryi var. Fernandina (Polygonaceae).  Madroño 56(1): 23-42. 

29. Moradian, N. R.* and S. E. Walker. 2008. Relationships between body size and sound producing structures in crickets:  Do big males have big harps? Invertebrate Biology 127:441-451.

28. Walker, S. E., J. A. Roberts, I. Adame*, C. J. Collins*, and D. Lim*.  2008. Heads up: Sexual dimorphism in house crickets. Canadian Journal of Zoology 86:253-259.

27. Lloyd, D.C.*, D. C. Zacherl, S. E. Walker, G. Paradis, M. Sheehy, & R. Warner.  2008. Natal site affects elemental signatures in Kelletia kelletii larval statoliths.  Marine Ecology Progress Series 353:115-130.

26. Buena, L. J.* and S. E. Walker.  2008. Information asymmetry and aggressive behaviour in male house crickets, Acheta domesticus.  Animal Behaviour 75:199-204.

25. Gray, D. W., C. Banuelos*, S. E. Walker, W.H. Cade, & M. Zuck. 2007. Behavioural specialization among populations of the acoustically orienting parasitoid fly Ormia ochracea utilizing different cricket species as hosts.  Animal Behavior. 73:99-104.

24. Walker, S. E. & J. T. Irwin.  2006. Sexual Dimorphism in the metabolic rate of two species of wolf spider (Araneae: Lycosidae). Journal of Arachnology 34:368-373.

23. Marshall, S. D., S. E. Walker, and A. L. Rypstra. 2006. Two ecologically-divergent generalist predators have different responses to landscape fragmentation. Oikos114:241-248.

22. S. E. Walker.  2006. Categorical data analysis and artificial nests: what exactly is a log-linear model? Oikos 114:191-192.

21. Lehmann, L.*, S. E. Walker, & M. H. Persons. 2004.  The influence of predator sex on chemically-mediated antipredator response in the wolf spider Pardosa milvina (Araneae: Lycosidae).  Ethology 110:323-339.

20. Walker, S. E. & A. L. Rypstra.  2003.  Hungry spiders aren’t afraid of the big bad wolf spider. Journal of Arachnology 31:425-427.

19. Walker, S. E. and W. H. Cade. 2003. The effects of temperature on calling song in a field cricket with a complex calling song, Teleogryllus oceanicus (Orthoptera: Gryllidae). Canadian Journal of Zoology 81:1414-1420.

18. Walker, S. E. and W. H. Cade.  2003. A simulation model of the effects of frequency dependence, density dependence, and parasitoid flies on the fitness of male field crickets.  Ecological Modelling 169:119-130.

17. Buddle, C. M., S. E. Walker,  & A. L. Rypstra.  2003.  Cannibalism regulates densities of the wolf spider Pardosa milvina. Canadian Journal of Zoology 81:1293-1297.

16. Rypstra, A. L., C. Weig*, S. E. Walker, and M. H. Persons. 2003. Mutual mate assessment in wolf spiders: Differences in the cues used my males and females.  Ethology 109:315-325.

15. Balfour, R. A.*, C. M. Buddle, A. L. Rypstra, S. E. Walker & S. D. Marshall. 2003. Ontogenetic shifts in competitive interactions and intraguild predation between two wolf spider species. Ecological Entomology 28:25-30.

14. Walker, S. E. & A. L. Rypstra. 2003.  Sexual dimorphism and the differential mortality model: Is behaviour related to survival ? Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 78:97-103.

13. Walker, S.E., A.L. Rypstra, & S.D. Marshall. 2003. The relationship between offspring size and performance in the wolf spider Hogna helluo (Araneae:Lycosidae). Evolutionary Ecology Research 5:19-28.

12. Walker, S.E. & A.L. Rypstra. 2002. Sexual dimorphism in feeding behavior and trophic morphology in wolf spiders (Araneae: Lycosidae).  Canadian Journal of Zoology 80:679-688.

11. M. H. Persons, S. E. Walker & A.L. Rypstra. 2002. Fitness costs and benefits of chemically-mediated anti-predator behavior in the wolf spider Pardosa milvina (Araneae: Lycosidae).  Behavioral Ecology 13:386-392

10. Walker, S.E. & A.L. Rypstra. 2001. Sexual dimorphism in functional response and trophic morphology in Rabidosa rabida (Araneae: Lycosidae). American Midland Naturalist 146:161-170.

9. Brueseke, M. A.*, A. L. Rypstra, S. E. Walker, and M. H. Persons. 2001.  Leg autotomy in the wolf spider Pardosa milvina (Hentz)(Araneae: Lycosidae): a common phenomenon with few apparent costs. American Midland Naturalist 146: 153-160.

8. Persons, M.H., S.E. Walker, A.L. Rypstra & S.D. Marshall. 2001. Wolf spider predator avoidance tactics and survival in the presence of diet-associated predator cues (Araneae:Lycosidae).  Animal Behaviour 61:43-51.

7. Marshall, S.D., A.L. Rypstra & S.E. Walker. 2000. A test for differential colonization and competitive ability in two generalist predators. Ecology 81:3341-3349.

6. Bailer, A.J., S.E. Walker, & K.J. Venis.  2000.  Estimating and testing bioconcentration factors. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 19:2338-2340.

5. Walker, S.E., S.D. Marshall & A.L. Rypstra. 1999. The effect of feeding history on retreat construction in the wolf spider Hogna helluo (Walckenaer).  Journal of Arachnology 27:689-691.

4. Walker, S.E., S.D. Marshall & A.L. Rypstra. 1999. The effects of feeding history on locomotor behaviour in two species of wolf spider.  Animal Behaviour 58:515-520.

3. Rice, T.M., S.E. Walker, B.J. Blackstone* & D.H. Taylor. 1998.  A new method for marking individual anuran larvae. Herpetological Review 29:92-93

2. Walker, S.E., D.H. Taylor & J.T. Oris. 1998. Behavioral and histopathological effects  of fluoranthene on bullfrog larvae (Rana catesbeianna), Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry:17:734-739.

1. Walker, S.E. & N.B. Ford. 1996. Courtship Behavior in the African Colubrid snake, Lamprophis fulginosis. Journal of Herpetology. 30:416-418.